White Stag

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White Stag


Reviewed by: maddyandcurly

A unique and stunning story filled to the brim with unique characters and plots, White Stag by Pandean is one that won't disappoint. An intricately woven world sets the backdrop for this tragic story, as cold as the hearts of the characters that reside in it. Beautifully and effortlessly told with such an amazing control of the English language, you will find yourself quickly engrossed in this story. The plot has a spectacular flow, and questions are constantly being introduced in each chapter.

The chapters are on the longer side, but it's no doubt well worth the time!


When 17 year old Janneke accidentally ignites an ancient tradition to become the next goblin king, she is forced to go on the ceremonial hunt with her goblin master, the young lord Soren, where she must outrun, outfight, and out-kill all in her way if she hopes to survive.

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