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How am I supposed to get through this? Just when I thought he is just a regular guy. I should have listen to him. I should have stay away from him. But then again, I like him. I can't believe, it all started with a note.


It was a day like any other. I was making my way to school. When I say making my way, I mean it by dragging my feet while I rubbing my eyes to keep myself awake. I can't sleep. I was always awoken by the countless nightmares that I had for months. I wore fake glasses to hide my dark eye bags.

Well, my parents you say, they never seem to care. They seem to care more about their hotel business than their own daughter.

So, I suffered in silence.

As I were saying.. " Ji Hye ah!"

I turned around and saw my best friend, Kim Jongdae or people like to call him Chen but I'm the only person other than his parents and teachers to call him by his real name.

He came to me running while screaming my name out loud, making citizens nearby to stare at me. Jongdae gave me his usual bright and cheerful smile and said," Good morning, Miss Lee JiHye."

He paused as he saw my glasses and he continued,"What's up with the glasses?"

Jongdae looked at me worriedly and sigh as he continue," Can't sleep again."

I nod my head. It is as if he have just read my mind. Jongdae give me a reassuring smile before taking something out of his bag. It another glasses that looks exactly the same as mine. He wore it and said," Knowing you, you will be awkward later at school. Might as well wear the same thing, so you'll not be lonely and I need them today. My contact lens are not ready till this afternoon. Until then, without this glasses, I'm blind as a bat."

I smiled at him and said softly," Thank you. You're the best, Jongdae ah." Jongdae smiled proudly. He grabbed my hand as we head to school together.

Once we've arrived, we've made our way to our classroom. Then, I found something. It has been the third time that I've received this. I stared at the red rose laid beside a piece of paper that was neatly folded that was on my desk. I sat down and open up the note.

The first time I've received the note it says ,' Wait for me.'

The second time,' Hope that you will wait for me. You'll be in my arms soon.'

This time, it says ,' You look tired. Have you been sleeping well. You kept screaming in your sleep. It made me worried.'

How does this person know?? No one knows about the screaming, not even Jongdae. Maybe this is a prank by him. I turned and face Jongdae, who is just beside me. I glared at him and said," I'm taking back that 'Thank you' I've said a while ago."

Jongdae looked at me blankly. Either he is not responsible for this or he's just pretending. I waved the note at him and said," I can't believe you would prank me."

Jongdae took the note and read it. He sighs as he leaned closer to me. He showed me the note. He pointed at the contents as he said," Think about it. This looks nothing like my handwriting. I also have been with you all morning, I can't be at two places at once."

Jongdae gave me back the note. I apologised as I slowly positioned myself comfortably on the hard wood chair as I kept thinking who wrote the note.

Hours had passed, the bell rang. Jongdae knock on my desk to get my attention. I looked at him as he said," Come on. It's lunch time. This time you're eating with me and others."

We made our way to the cafeteria. There we saw Jongdae's buddies. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and D.O. Chanyeol waved both of his hands frantically as Baekhyun shouted," We're here!"

Note (EXO) #FanficFrightDayWhere stories live. Discover now