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Ava Andrews POV:

"I hate you I hate you so much!!! You ruined me! All I ever did was love you and you broke me... Shatter my heart into pieces...

Harry... I can't do this anymore I just won't let myself be the girl that lets something like this go on and hurt myself even more then I already am..."

Harry's POV:

"I love you don't do this i will change I swear it! I'll be a better boyfriend, I won't manipulate you, I won't take you for granted like I have.. Baby please I'll try I swear it I can't lose you baby...."

Ava's POV:

And that's when I noticed silent tears made their way down his face... But all those night I couldn't sleep,eat,think,breathe... He was ok.

If I could survive this pain, betrayal... I could live, breathe again...

I knew what I needed to do...

They say if you love something set it free and if it comes back to you it was always yours....

Maybe we'd find ourselves
With one another one day....

Authors note: don't know how I'll feel about this yet but let me know what you think I'll do chapter 1 soon!!😘💜

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