David's P.O.V.

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I'm going to try to do this the best I can so please bear with me. This is the first time I have done a boys Point Of View so yeah, I am new to this. I hope you enjoy it!

I have a crush on Diva. I hope she has a crush on me. But Jeveah likes me. I mean she is okay.  But she- she isn't Diva. I guess I could consider her as my second choice. Well back to Diva. She told me to come upstairs in five seconds right, so I come upstairs and she is sleep.-Or so I thought- and I kissed her on the lips and surprisingly she kissed me back. So I told her that I thought she was sleep, as it turns out she was. But she was glad that I woke her up, I don't know why and I didn't bother asking her either,so yeah. By the way I put a password up her on my part of Diva's diary so she wouldn't be able to read it. Don't tell her though! Why are all of these boys coming here? I am infuriated! I thought I could have Diva all to myself I guess my dreams will never become a reality. I am going to try to get rid of them to keep Diva all to myself we shall see how that works out.

Ooh shocking now this is the end of Diva and David being together in this book if you want the continuation of this part of the story please, Read my new book called "New Life" please the rest of this story occurs there everyone is in that story and you all help me make it. Thanks! But I will continue this story with a shocking new twist.

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