~Chapter 11~

Depuis le début

        “Sadie, hi.” Jay walked up to me.

        “Hey Jay,” I said dreamily but snapped out of it soon enough.

        “I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me Saturday night?”

Ah. Crap.

Miranda POV

she couldn’t believe it. Miranda had not expected Jay to walk in, but it happened. The worst part was, he didn’t mind. That was kind of insulting. She thought he would have been at least a little upset even if he did lose interest a while ago.

Oh well, she was just glad she had Kyle as a boyfriend.

“Hey, you eating lunch with me?” Kyle asked walking up and giving her a gentle kiss.

“Why don’t you ever sit with my friends?” she mock pouted.

“Honestly,” he smiled, “Jay and Sadie both probably hate me.”

“They don’t hate you,” Miranda assured him; she wished Jay hated Kyle or at least was jealous. Did he really lose interest? Then again so did she, Miranda was all about Kyle now.

He shrugged, “maybe, but hey,” Kyle grinned, “how bout we eat in the math room again?”

Miranda knew what that meant, “sure.”

Sadie POV

That night I had to call Madison. We weren't really having a sleepover; I just needed a cover which obviously didn't work. But I seriously needed to talk to someone. 

I picked up the phone and dialled her number. After what seemed like forever, she finally picked up.


"Hey it's Sadie." I said.

"Oh, hi." she seemed surprised.

"I have a complication," I blurted out.

"Sadie why are you even calling me" she said exhaustedly, "We never talked after our fight. What made you want to call me?"

"I need a best friend to talk to. And your my best friend" I replied

"Ok Sadie, explain."

I explained how Jay saw Miranda and Kyle kissing and how Brendon asked me out and I said yes.

"But right after that, Jay asked me out on a date for the same night."

"What did you say?"

"I said yes. So I'm with Jay from 6:30-8:00 and then Brendon from 8:00-10."

"Oh my god Sadie." was all she said.

Oh my god was right what was I going to do!?

“Help me,” I whined.

“We have to have a sleepover Friday my friend needs me!”

“Thanks Maddy you’re the best.”

Bridgette POV

        Brendon always said yes to her plans, what was so different about this one? It wouldn’t be hard or anything he was single and didn’t like anyone... or did he? She would have to look into that.

        Bridgette sat in her room thinking. It was usually so easy to blackmail people, but when she was blackmailing Brendon she felt bad about it. Weird.

        She realized she wouldn’t have told his secret even if he’d said no. She’d never be able to do it. Just thinking about what that would do to Brendon made her stomach hurt. She could imagine his sad face and- okay enough imagining.

Brendon was her friend, that’s why she felt so bad about hurting him... right? She thought about it, he was cute she’d give him that, and he understood her... but that’s what all good friends do right?

Time to stop thinking about this.

Lucas POV

        He was scared. He’s been scared ever since Damien threatened Lucas.

When he woke up the next day, he saw Damien was up too.

        “What are you doing up?” Lucas asked.

        “I’m going out for the day on a little trip.” Damien casually replied.

        “Where’s that?”

        “Just. Somewhere.” He grabbed a bran bar and walked away.

When Lucas sat down in the cafeteria at lunch that day, he caught a red jacket out of the corner of his eye. It looked like Damien’s... No. It can’t be.

“Come on guys lets go.” Lucas rushed.

“Where are you going little bro,” Damien sat down next to Madison, “hey guys I’m Lucas’ big bro Damien.”

“Damien. Leave.” Lucas urged.

“No. I like your friends. I’m staying.” He got up and leaned over Lucas, took his milk, and poured it on Lucas’ pants. Making it look like he wet himself. He then pushed Lucas out of his chair which ended in everybody laughing at the wet boy crying on the floor.

“Come on Lucas,” Madison helped him up and walked him out of the cafeteria.

When Lucas looked back, Damien was nowhere to be found.

The ComplicationOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant