Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Emma opened her eyes slowly facing a gray almost black wall. Emma furrowed her eyebrows getting confused since her 'walls' are brown. She got up and remembered that she was in the evil queen's castle. Emma looked at the clock on the wall and it showed 6:01am. Emma got up and walked up to the pile of clothes she left on the chair last night. She looked through them realizing that the only thing she got was maids dresses and over sized shirts and gown to sleep in. Emma sighed and took the dress she probably was supposed to work with and changed into it. The dress was a green-brownish color with long sleeves and with an apron on the lower part. Emma was about to walk out of the door. But stopped when she realized she didn't know what to do. Emma walked up to the desk hoping to find a paper with tasked. But nothing. Emma sighed and scratch the back of her head, she always did that when she had to think. Emma sighed again and just walked out of the room not really thinking. She walked up the stairs finding herself in a hall. She started to follow her instincts like she did last night and began to walk down the hall. Emma made a few turns until she found her self in front of a huge door. She studied the door for a bit. The door was beautiful. Emma has never in her life seen such a beautiful door before. The hole door was covered with carvings that made the door out. It looked like every cut on the door was dancing a beautiful dance. Emma stared at it for a few minutes longer until she shook her head and open the door. The room was empty and was huge. It looked like a ball room. Emma sneezed from all the dust in the room, she guessed this room wasn't used a lot. Emma turned when she heard foot steppes approach her. The steppes were heavy and you could hear chains ringing. A dark knight showed up around the corner and approached Emma." What are you doing here?" The knight asked with a deep voice." Umm," Emma thought about something to say." I'm cleaning." Emma smiled." You shouldn't  be cleaning here." The knight growled. Emma wasn't really scared about him, since she could kick butt, but she was just nervous she guessed." I didn't get a schedule or a list or something." Emma shrugged. The knight stayed silence for a while until saying." Clean this room, you will get a schedule later. The supplies are down stairs." And before Emma could respond he was gone. Emma furrowed her eyebrows together confused at what just happened. She just shrugged and went to look for the supplies. Emma went down to the stairs on her way to the basement. Finding herself in the wrong room a little to many times. Emma found the supplies, took them. There was a sink in the room, she filled the bucket up with water and then went back to the ball room. Emma was standing in the middle of the ball room with no idea what to do. The only thing she had to clean in her life, were herself and her clothes. Now an entire ball room?! She looked at the huge windows and thought to started with that. She took the window cleaner and a cloth walking up to the window. Emma looked up and was a bit to small to reach at the top of the glass. Emma sighed looking around the room hoping for a latter. Which she found and took. She climbed the latter and could reach the entire glass now. Emma looked at the bottle for a second and then at the cloth, having no idea what to do. I'm not fit for this. Emma thought to herself. She opened the bottle and a strong scent hit her. It smelled good. Really good actually. She poured the liquid on the cloth soaking it and stared to clean the window. After about 18 minutes Emma was done and the entire room smelled like window cleaner. Maybe even a little to strongly. But Emma didn't cared, she liked the smell. Emma continued on with the cleaning, mostly dusting and sneezing from all the dust. She started to clean the floor now and like she the with the window cleaner she poured way to much floor cleaner into the water. It stared to bubble. But she didn't mind since the smell smelled great too. Emma was done with everything in an hour and fifteen minutes later. The hole room smelled from strong aroma now, but she liked it. Emma took all the supplies and made a way out of the ball room and down to the supplies room. Emma turned at the corner, but stopped when she heard a dark voice behind her." Where do you think your going?" Emma turned around facing the queen with a questionable look on her face." Ahh, I was just leaving, your majesty." Emma said. The queen raised her eyebrows waiting. Realizing what the queen wanted Emma bowed towards the queen. Satisfied, Regina spoke." You are the new one, who tried to steal from me, no?" " Yes." Emma answered avoiding eye contact. Regina didn't speak again getting annoyed that the blond didn't address Regina properly." Your majesty." Emma added looking up." I just cleaned the ball room and was about to leave to my chamber." Or prison. Emma thought. But of course didn't say it out loud. Regina stepped closer to the blond, saying." You are not to leave, your tasked until someone comes in and checks your doing." Regina explained." Yes, your majesty." Emma nodded." Come." Was all the queen said walking towards the ball room. Emma quickly followed, not wanting to upset the queen. Regina entered the ball room, as she did the sense of cleaner made her nose itch. Turning around swiftly, the queen said furious." What are you trying to do? Suffocate me with the smell?!" Emma looked confused not understanding what she meant." No of course not, your majesty I would never. I never cleaned or had cleaner in my hands for a fact, I'm sorry if I took to much. I like it though, it smells nice." Emma smiled innocently. Regina looked at Emma surprised that she wasn't shivering in her skin." Don't use to much next time." The queen said firmly. Emma nodded." Yes, you majesty." "your dismissed." Regina said. Emma gave Regina a small smile and left.

So that was it for the second chapter. I hope you liked it. And I know there weren't many swanqueen feels in this chapter. Not at all actually. But I'm trying to build that up as the story goes on. Anyways if you liked it and want to read more, please vote for it ⭐️. And if you want you can comment and tell what you think about my writing and this story.
Sorry for any gramma mistake.

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