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Choi Y/N POV

I looked up and it was Kai. I scoffed

"What do you want?"

"I want to get back together" I laugh in his face

"Are you serious?"

"Yes Y/N, I miss us. I miss you. I miss everything."

"Why? Did Krystal use you? I already know the answer is yes"

"I really do miss you"

"Don't come to me with that bull crap"

Someone grabbed me by my wrist and ran off leaving Kai by himself. We then slowed down and we soon stopped at my locker. I looked up at the guy and it was Mingyu. He looked at me with worried eyes.

"Are you okay Y/N?"

"Yeah he didn't do anything"

"Good. Umm so are you going home?"


"Can we go and get drinks together at the cafe?"

"Sure" I said shyly

We got to the cafe and he ordered me my favorite drink. How did he know?

"How do you know my favorite drink?"

"I texted your brother and asked him what it was"


We talked and finished our drinks. We left and we took our own cars so we kinda went separate ways but we live on the same block so not so much. I went upstairs and showered. When I was done getting dressed I went down to the kitchen and helped both moms set the food on the table. Wonwoo wasn't here because he was out somewhere. When we were done I tried to help with the dishes but they told me to rest. I went to go play video games with Hansol and he was telling me about everything. I haven't been spending time with him because I've been busy. I won 2 games and he won 3. I heard the door open and closed and it was Wonwoo and Mingyu. 

Wonwoo "Aye Hansol can Mingyu sleep here tonight?"

Hansol "Yeah of course"

"Hi Mingyu!! Thank you for the drink" I smiled brightly

Mingyu "Your welcome"

Wonwoo "You took her out?"

Mingyu "Well we just went to the cafe after school, it's not a big deal"

"Yeah Wonwoo It's not a big deal"

Wonwoo "Why can't I take you to out?"

"You never asked"

Wonwoo "Can we go out for a drink together?"

"No" We all laugh except for Wonwoo.

Wonwoo "Why?"

"Just because I don't want to"

The boys were looking at each other and smirking like they were planning something. I cot on and they were planning on tickling me. I ran up stairs immediately and they followed me. I tried to clothes the door but they already had got in tried to escape but the only place was to get on my bed. I was on my bed and they got me. I laughed so hard. I tickled them back so they let go of me and it worked. They left but Mingyu had to ask me something.

"Hey Y/N can we go running together?"

"Sure. When?"

"Tomorrow morning"

"Okay sounds fine with me"

Since I was across the room from him I walked over to him and then I tripped and fell but it didn't really hurt. I opened my eyes and I was on top of him. Our eyes were on each other and then he......



What did he do?

I have school in a little so I'll update when I get home. Vote and Comment. I Love you guys!!

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