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I woke up the next morning very early. I had to be at the institution at 8, and set my alarm for 7, but woke up at 6 and couldn't fall back asleep. It was slightly nerve wracking to think about the types of people I might come across in the mental institution. I took a psychology course in my first year of college, but the professor was a hippie stoner who rarely showed up to class, so that's as far as my knowledge goes. I decided to stop thinking this far into it and actually start getting ready.

I turned the knobs in my bathtub and the water wasn't very warm, again. All the appliances in the apartment don't work very well. I just stood there, though. Letting the cold water hit my back. I've been so hot-headed and eager lately, it was nice to just relax.

Once I got dressed, and ate breakfast I started to drive to Stony Gates. Pulling into the parking lot gave me the creeps. The sign was daunting and huge, made of hefty stone.

Stepping inside the institution lobby, the warmth from the space heaters greeted me. I watched various nurses walk with different types of people in grey hospital gowns.

To my left, I spotted a woman in her mid 50's at the front desk. She had dark auburn hair, in a tight bun. She was hunched over the computer, looking exhausted.

I approached her and quietly said, "Hi, I'm Alexandra Wallace. I applied for a job here, and someone called to tell me to come in today."

The woman stood up from her seat and licked her dry, chapped lips, before speaking to me.

"Hello, Alexandra. I'm Ms. Ronald, but you could call me Liz." She extended her hand across the desk and I shook it, with a polite smile plastered on my face.

She returned the smile and spoke again. "I'll be conducting a brief interview, follow me."

Liz led me to one of the couches in the lounge area and gestured for me to take a seat.

Her questions were short and straight forward. They ranged from my past work experience to why I decided to apply to Stony Gates. She finished off by asking if I have any previous experience or education on dealing with psychological disorders. I explained how I took a college course and that I didn't know much but I was very willing to learn.

That seemed to be enough for Liz and she stated how we would start my training. She then led me to a long narrow hallway to the right.

"This leads to the patient's rooms. You will get a key soon, so you could unlock, and lock the doors." Liz explained.

I nodded as she took a key out of her pocket and unlocked a door in front of the hallway. We stepped in and I started to shiver. It was much colder than the lobby area. There had to be 100s of cells lined up on both sides of the walls. The hallway was miles long. The sight was eerie to put it simply. I could hear ear piercing screams almost immediately upon entering, constant mumbling, and banging on cell bars. I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"So, um, what would you like me to do first?"

"I will assign you new patients each day. You'll find their cell and give them their medications. If they refuse to take it, try your best, but if it gets too difficult, or anyone tries to harm you in any way, forget about it. Leave the medicine and get out. Someone else will take care of it. You will also need to communicate with them. Ask them how they are doing, their hobbies, likes, interests. Just keep a conversation flowing with them, make them feel.."

She paused and leaned in close and whispered.


I nodded. Can't be too hard. I'm a people person. I love to talk.

Liz licked her lips and spoke again. "Alright, well follow me and I'll assign you your first patient."

We walked down the long hallway again and heard those same sounds. I shuddered when I heard one woman scream. It was the loudest scream I've ever heard in my life. Liz didn't look phased. She was probably used to it. I'll get used to it too.

We finally made it to the door at the end of the hall and we stepped out, Liz locking the door again. We walked over to the same desk and she went behind it. She bent down, searching through different files.

Liz pulled out a piece of paper from the filing cabinet, and grabbed glasses from the desk. She put them on her face and started scribbling on the paper. She then handed it to me.

"Here you go, Alexandra. Good luck with your first patient, he's sort of difficult. Sorry, I had to assign him first, it's just the way the system works."

I glanced down at the paper. There was a lot written down. Before reading anything I looked at the top of the form, at the name.

"Harry Styles."

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