Chapter 2: The New House.

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Driving out of my hometown was one of the best moments of my life.

Though I don't totally regret staying here, because if I hadn't I wouldn't have met my four best friends, I hate it here. We're taking a road trip to Cali.

After Maddi and I had been accepted into the colleges we wanted, which happened to be the same college, we decided we needed a change. A big change. And we couldn't leave our friends behind, so we all decided to go together. A few months ago, Maddi, Casey, Lena and I spent six hours just staring at my laptop, trying to agree on a house to buy, or an apartment to rent.

We ended up buying the house with Lena's dad's money. It's big and white and has an entire side almost entirely made of windows. I was so excited.

We pulled up in the Dodge by the big, white, three-story house and all grabbed our own luggage.

Lena didn't miss a beat before running up to the house with her key in hand. We all have master keys on chains around our necks. Mine is checkered black and white, Casey's is purple and black, Maddi's is made of zigzagged stripes of light blue and light grey, and Lena's has red and white squiggles. We all have diamond studded letters on our keys that correspond with the first letters of our names.

Lena opened the door and we all walked in to see a truly perfect dream house. There was a HUGE flat screen, an xBox, a Wii, and I knew we had Netflix. There was a million movies in the entertainment center. There were red and black and white leather couches and hard wood floors with the softest rugs I've ever seen.

The living room was opened to kitchen that was bigger than four of Casey's car put together. Their was a spiral staircase that lead upstairs. We all took our bags and ran up there as fast as we could without tripping over each others' feet. Casey and I went up to the third floor, while Maddi and Lena got rooms on the second floor. Every room looked the same, yet completely different at the same time. My room was done in a delicate, sophisticated swirl of black and white. The walls of the room that wasn't window were black, with white bars and music notes and quotes and lyrics painted on. The floor was black and white checkered carpet, and the bed spread was the same as the walls, with some black pillows, some white, some checkered, and some swirled. I was amazed. It was absolutely perfect and fit me completely.

I set my bags down and went to check on the others. I found that each room had a master bathroom, a shower, a bath, and two sinks each, and each bathroom matched the bedroom it was attached to, along with each of our keys.

I knocked on Casey's door, and she opened it with the biggest smile on her face. I walked in her room and saw what she had chosen. Her room was all purple and black with designs and symbols I've never seen before. It looked like mine, but with different colors and designs. Lena's and Maddi's were that way too, but Maddi's was blue and grey, and Lena's was red and white. I smiled. This was going to be perfect. Just me and my best friends... Living it up in Cali.

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