Chapter 1

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A tiny leprechaun must be doing tap dance on my brain as I wake up. Either that or I'm dying, either way it hurts like hell.
I lay on my bed, for what feels like hours, trying to keep the beast in my stomach tamed. Once I'm sure I can open my eyes and not have them burst into flames, I do, very slowly.
I hear deep breathing beside me and turn to look at the super hot, super naked laying beside me, one of his big arms slung across my stomach, face smushed into the pillow. I groan and turn my head to look away.
Sure he's super hot, but I'm hungover and I don't want to think about what I did last night. Even though I don't want to think about it, memories from the previous night flood back into my brain. He was flexible. Super flexible.
My bladder screams at me and I pick his big arm up off my stomach and lay it on his side of the bed. Slowly, trying not to wake my company, I stand up and tip toe to the bathroom. I pee, wash my hands, then wash my face and brush my teeth, hoping to get the taste of alcohol out of my mouth.
I pick up a black tank top off the floor and put it on, I also find a pair of black and white boxers that are definitely not mine. Shrugging, I put them on and have to tie the side of it with a pony tail holder to keep them up.
I'm a really tiny person, I'm not bragging or anything, I'm just really small. I'm 26 years old and I'm 5'2, and I weigh a whopping 112 pounds. My sister makes fun of me about it all the time. At least she used to, I haven't seen her since I started college.
I should call her! She'll be so proud of me. Hell, I'm proud of me. A 177 on my LSAT, I can't believe I managed that. The sudden need to talk to my sister overwhelms me, I haven't talked to or seen her in about a year.
I walk back into the bedroom and begin the search for my phone. After ten minutes of looking pretty much everywhere in the apartment, I begin to fear I left it at the bar last night.
I walk over to pretty boy, who is still sound asleep, but has shifted onto his back. I lean forward and use my pointer finger to tap his cheek, he stirs and I tap once more. His eyes open and I sigh dreamily. Yep, now I know.
He's got bright green eyes. I've always been a sucker for green eyes. They're my kryptonite. He smiles revealing perfectly straight and white teeth. Yup, he's totally gorgeous. "Hi." He says sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
"Hi. So I don't remember much of last night and I was wondering if you know what happened to my phone?" I say in one quick breath, I've never been one to actually talk to the guys I spend a night with. I'm not a bitch or anything, I just find it awkward.
Pretty boy scrunches up his face and thinks for a minute. Literally a minute, maybe longer, I don't know. "Uh, I think it's in the kitchen." He talks like he's trying to pronounce every single syllable, and I have to force myself to hide my cringe. "Ok thanks. I'm gonna go look for it and when I get back, you're going to be dressed and ready to leave."
Pretty boy nods, as if this was a given, and stands up. I can't help but watch him as he walks into the bathroom, and I find another reason. Great butt. I sigh and rub my eyes, before turning and walking into the kitchen. Great butt was right, it was in the fridge. Not really sure how it got there.
I flip it open praying it didn't die over night. When the screen lights up I smile. It didn't die. Something on the screen makes my heart pound. Huh, I have a call from Rachel, she left a voicemail.
"Mackenzie, I messed up. I messed up bad." Rachel's panting like she's running from something and I hear a loud, horrifying scream.
"God Mack, I know you're living it up in college and you're finally out, but I need your help. You know how much I hate to ask for help, but I need your help. And anyway I'm not asking, I'm begging." My hand grips the counter as a low growl rings through the phone. "Black water ridge, Colorado. Please Mack, please. I've never hunted anything like this before, I don't know what-" I hear a loud scream and then silence. I stand in the kitchen leaning full force on the counter, trying not to freak out. Breathe Kenzie, breathe.
Great butt walks into the kitchen and grabs his jacket off the back of a chair in the dining room. Yet another reason . Leather jacket. I walk him to the door still a little shaken from the message, but hiding it well. He bends down and kisses me long and deep. There the final reason, really good kisser. "So I assume this will be the last time I'll see you." I nod my head and he sighs and leans down again. "In that case." He kisses me for another minute before, opening the door and walking away. And yes I do watch his butt as he walks away, but I guess it's just outta habit. I ain't a saint. I close the door v I and lean against it, brain fumbling over the message Rachel left me.
Leave college to save my sister. Leave college to kill a monster. Leave college to get right back into the job that I worked so hard to a out of.
My choice is pretty obvious. I walk to my room, grab a duffle bag, and begin filling the bag full of everything I need. Clothes, toothbrush, makeup, hairbrush, salt, shotguns, lighters and matches, socks, underwear, holy water, a crucifix and, last but certainly not least, I grab my dad's journal out from under my bed.
I slip off the black tank top and replace it with a white halter top and switch the boxers with my underwear and a black faux leather skirt. I put on a leather jacket and my black heeled boots to finish the outfit.
I write a quick note to Aria and Dakota explaining my absence, also telling them not to come after me. Aria and Dakota are hunters too. I know they'll try to help, but they'd have to know where I'm going first. And this is something I have to do alone. I don't want them back in the hunting life. I want them to be normal and live their lives. I grab my car keys and close the front door quietly behind myself. Time to save my sister.

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