Letter #2

344 21 1

May 19th, 2013.

Dear whomever,

Yesterday was a good day. So was Friday. Today's Sunday. I'm really not looking forward to school tomorrow. I guess I'll start by telling you why Friday was a good day. 

My friend came over; and It was nice. We haven't hung out in awhile and I really missed her. We've been friends ever since kindergarden. I'm glad we're still friends. We're not as close as before but it's better than nothing. Back to what I was saying. She came over and we just hung out for a little bit. Then we went down the street and played four sqaure with a few kids. Next I texted my other friend who lives down the street also. We all played kickball for awhile and it was fun. Most Friday's I stay at home and do nothing but sit on the computer, so it felt nice to be doing something else for a change. That's pretty much it I guess. Onto Saturday.

My dad picked me up around 3 p.m. It's nice when I get to see him. I don't see him often. He has a family of his own that he has to accompany. So whenever I get the chance to spend time with him, I don't pass a single offer. We went to walmart first. We just walked around for awhile. Then we went to Sonic. I've never been there before and I can honestly say that I loved it. After eating we went to a pet store. A fish bit me. It wasn't the greatest feeling ever but now I can proudly state, "I've been bitten by a fish before!" Yeah, that sounds lame. Anyways, after the pet store we began to drive home. It doesn't seem all that exciting but it was for me, considering every second with my dad is precious time. As we were driving, I happened to look over. I saw an elder lady in the car next to us. I began to wonder about her. Does she have any kids? She looks lonely; I wonder if she's lonely? I then snapped out of my gaze as my dad began driving again when the light turned green; signaling for us to go. I wondered for a little while longer. Everyone has a story. People are like walking books; each carrying their own memories they may never get to share. If I could, I would read everyone's story.

Im starting to talk nonsense now, I'm sorry.

Well, I better get going. It's almost 7 p.m and I still have homework. Remember what I said about everyone being walking books? I want you to look at someone, and think about them. Think about their past and their future. Pretend you know them, create a story for them. The mind is a precious thing, you can do many things with it. Anyways, have a good night dear friend. I'll write again tomorrow.

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