Heart Beat

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Why must you make my heart pound,
We all have heard that little sound,
The heart beat of someone near,
Someone we hold dear,
Listen to it close,
But be careful how you boast,
You may find it sweet,
Really hard to beat,

But every heart holds a secret,
Asking for someone to keep it,
Wishing you'd stay,
So it won't break, or give way,

Even when it beats loud,
Listen to that little sound,
Find the secret,
And please just keep it,
For this heart has been broken,
It has been bashed,
We are not to sure how much longer it will last,
Will you please do this deed,
It does not require speed,

When you tell once,
The seal is broken,
You have lost their token,
The beat slowly dies,
And the love for you dries,
The secret you were asked to keep,
You told, so go weep,
For the pitter,
And patter,
Will no longer matter,
For it has faded.

So when you make my heart pound,
Listen for that sound,
Don't tell a soul,
Forever May it hold,
For I love you dear,
Isn't it clear,
That someday,
My heart beat will fade away.

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