"You know life is funny! You think you got everything planned out and suddenly something happens and everything changes and you're just...lost." He said looking out of the window.

"I know.." I said. "Look...just do whatever you think is best."
He nodded still looking outside.

*Christina's POV*

I'm trying to do my homework but Ijust can't concentrate.
I'm thinking about Grayson and everything he did today...Why!? What did I do!?
I close my books feeling exhausted. I think I'll take a nap. That's the good thing about sleeping; you stop thinking for a while, you get away from your thoughts.
I lie in bed. I close my eyes but I can't fall asleep. I take a deep breath and sigh.
I've been liying in bed for hours staring at my balcony door. I'm waiting for the laser signal.
I'm running out of patience so I look t my phone. It's 1:00 am. Whoah. It's really late and I have school tomorrow. Since school started Grayson's been doing the laser signal at around 9 am.

He always did. Wait. Why am I thinking that in past sentence? He will do it tonight. He's not gonna stop doing it.
It's our thing.
He can't just stop!


It's been two weeks. We haven't talked for two fucking weeks! I'm going crazy!
Every time I see him alone I try to approach him but he just says "Don't." setting me off. When I go to his house he isn't there...or at least that's what he tells his mon to tell me. We have even stopped our late night talks. I miss our thing.
I miss him.
My worst fear became true; a person I love left me because he realized I'm worthless. I lost him.


*Grayson's POV*

The bell rings and the only thing I can think about is that I have English which means Christina is gonna be there. It's really hard avoiding her. She always tries to talk to me.
"You're never gonna stop aren't you?"
I am thinking out loud as I walk in the class.
"There is one last project you have to do before the end of the semester. You'll work in partners." Mrs Williams said.
"So we have, Samantha and Lucas, Brenda with Maddie.."
I guess I'm not with Brenda. She continued calling names but mine wasn't mentioned yet. Neither Christina's....
"And last but not least Grayson and Christina." No! We can't do this together. It's a chance for her to talk to me.

"Excuse me, could I change partner?"

*Christina's POV*

Yes! Finally a chance to talk to him without getting rejected.
"Excuse me, could I change partner?"
That kinda hurt. He doesn't even want to be in the same room with me.

"We don't have time to work in class so you're gonna have to meet after school and no Grayson you can't."
Thank you Mrs Williams, I thought.

*after school*

I went home to call Grayson to arrange the time and place were gonna meet. Hope he'll pick it up.

G: "Hello?"
C: "Hey it's me..Chris."
G: "speak."
C: "I was just wondering when we'll meet for the project."
G: "We won't. I'll do it alone and give you credit ok?"
C: "Grayson please.."
I mumbled. He sighed.
G: "My house at six don't be late I have other stuff to do!"
C: "I won't! Bye.

He hung up.


I walk out of my house to go to Grayson's. I slightly smile as I cross the road. I'm excited that I'll get to spend some time with him but knowing that he doesn't breaks my heart.

*Grayson's POV*

It's time. She'll be here any minute. I look out of the window and see her slightly smiling. I can't help but smile too.
She is probably excited. I am too..a lot. She will be next to me after two weeks. Just the two of us.
I miss her so much and I haven't even moved out yet.
I'm afraid that I might tell her I'm leaving if she asks for explanation for my behavior, although she will find out sooner or later.
The door bell rang and I heard her coming upstairs. I'm getting more and more nervous with every sound of her steps coming closer.

I open the door.
My eyes meet hers and we stay like that for a few seconds.
My heart is beating really fast.
I swear I can't breath.

*Christina's POV*

We are looking at each other's eyes.
My heart is beating really fast.
I swear I can't breath.

He looked away.
"Let's get over with it I have to go somewhere." He said grabbing a book. He sat at his bed and I hesitantly sat next to him. Not really close though.

We kept working on the project until we finished. I am almost out of his room and I couldn't take it anymore..

"Grayson..why?" I turn to face him.

"Don't!" He said right away and with that I felt the anger rising within me.

I approach him. He remains silent.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm tired of you saying 'don't' all the freaking time! FUCK YOU and your attitude Dolan! Cause you know what!? It's not YOUR fault! It's MY fault for thinking that we actually had SOMETHING SPECIAL! But obv-"

"I AM FUCKING MOVING TO NEW JERSEY!" He yelled in my face.

I look at him in the eyes.
"W-What?" I murmured.
It took me a minute to comprehend what he just said.
My eyes got watery and soon a tear felt on my cheek.

"How? Why?"

"It doesn't matter.."

"To me it does! When!?"

"I don't know...in a few weeks."

"Wait..is that why you've been acting like that?"

"NO! I just...found new friends! Deal with it!" I sighed. "And now please go I have to leave." He said looking away.

I walked out of the room but before I close the door I looked at him one last time.

"You know Grayson..
there is nothing you can do to make me unlove you."


That's a really really long chapter but I didn't want to cut it down. Hope you liked it😄😄

Have a nice day✌️❤️

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