I sit atop that rock, cross legged and staring out at the sky, my tears slowly streaming down my face. The sadness tries to creep in, but I refuse to allow it. I'm better than this, I remind myself.

"Hey, I've been looking for you. Margy said you were probably here," A man's voice calls from behind me. I glance behind me to see Charlie walking towards me. I quickly look away once his smile falls.

"What's wrong?" He sits next to me. I shake my head, turning so he won't see my face.

"Don't lie to me, what's wrong," He grabs my face in his hands, forcing my to look into his eyes that are now burning into mine.

"Justin-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Christ!" He looks up at the sky, his hands flying up. "What the hell did he do? Did he hit you?" A fire starts in his eyes but I shake my head.

"He-" I pause, not wanting to break down in front of him. "He cheated. Because he thought I cheated."

"Do you know he cheated or did someone tell you?" Charlie's voice is quieter.

"I've always known he did. But he'd never been so cruel about it before," I frown as my heart aches.

"What?" Charlie snaps.

"It was a game to him. How many girls could I beat up, how jealous could I get, how many times I could figure it out. I was just some big entertainment piece for him. But he needed me. We both knew that. Nobody else would put up with all of the crap he pulls," I sigh.

"He's suicidal. About once or twice a month he goes to that back alley, beats somebody up really bad and then decides to kill himself. Every time he does that, I come running. I take care of him. When we're at the races, sometimes he get's so drunk he can't see straight. But he still wants to race, so I have to step in." My mind begins to wander, remembering all the things I've done for him.

"What was so different about this time?" Charlie asks quietly.

"He sent me a picture. And a video. He then messaged me saying 'Don't worry. They're just friends.' That's the first contact I've had with him all week since the night he accused me of being with you," I look up from my lap and out to the town.

"That's pretty messed up," Charlie shakes his head.

"So why were you looking for me?" I look over at him.

"Huh? Oh I was going to surprise you with something. And actually I think I have perfect timing. It could be just the thing you need right now," he grins at me.

"What are we doing," I ask as he pulls me up off the rock and toward his car. I'm surprised I never heard the beat up thing arrive.

"Some self discovery," His light up as he opens the door for me. The door slams shut once I'm nestled nicely into the seat. I watch as Charlie jogs around to the driver side and hops in. We take off down the hill but Charlie turns the opposite direction of the town.

"Where are we going?" I stare out at the foreign terrain.

"I'm not kidnapping you, don't worry," he smirks.

"That's just what a kidnapper would want me to think," I cross my arms and he lets out a loud laugh.

Trees zoom by as I realize we're going deeper into the woods. I've never been this far before. Nervous butterflies dance in my stomach. He could murder me and no one would know. But what would his motive be? Necrophiliac? I shake my head. He'd already stated his soul purpose is my existence.

Finally the car pulls to a stop.

"We'll have to walk from here but it's not far," Charlie reaches over to undo my seat belt. Once free from the car, we begin to walk and the curiousity gets the best of me.

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