The Hogwarts express

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"SCARLETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" Scarlet woke with a start as her twin, James yelled in her ear.
"Jaaaaaaaaaaames." Scarlet sighed tiredly.
That made Scarlet jump up.
James smiled at her, before he linked his arm with hers and they skipped down to breakfast together.
"PANCAKES!" They yelled in unison, seeing what their mum made for them.
Even at 15, the pair acted like 10 year olds.
They sat down at the table, Scarlet putting one pancake on her plate while James grabbed a whole stack of pancakes.
"James, how can you even eat all of that and not get fat?"
James just grinned and stuffed a pancake in his mouth.
"Ewwwwwwww. You're so immature." Scarlet laughed.
After breakfast Scarlet got changed into black leggings, an oversized grey off the shoulder jumper, low top oldskool vans, and a black beanie. She grabbed her faux brown leather messenger bag, and stuffed two books and her pranking supplies into it, before she ran out her door and met James in the hall, who was wearing jeans, a white t shirt, a flannel with rolled sleeves and converse, and had a black messenger bag, no doubt filled with pranking stuff and his Quidditch book. Scarlet jumped on his back and a James gave her a piggy back ride downstairs, where they stopped to say goodbye to their dog, Red (Photo above), before they split, James going to their mother, as he was a mummies boy, and Scarlet going to their father. They apparated to platform 9 3/4 after grabbing their trunks, where they said goodbye to their parents.
"Be good, and don't get into trouble-" their mum started.
"Yes mum." The twins grinned at each other.
"-Try not to argue..."
"We never do." Scarlet and James chanted.
"...we'll really miss you, darlings."
"Aw, we'll miss you too mum." The twins hugged their mum, and hugged their dad, before hopping on the train.
After putting their trunks away, the twins went in their carriage, where they were met with Remus and Sirius.
"Siri! Remmy!" Scarlet grinned, at the same time James said,
"Moony! Padfoot!"
James and Remus 'bro' hugged, as Sirius approached Scarlet, pulling her into a hug and spinning her around. He put her down after a minute, and stepped away to greet James as Remus pulled her into a warm hug. He also pulled away after a minute, and the four sat down, Remus sitting by the window with his book, James next to him, leaning on the wall by the door, his feet near Remus. Scarlet sat opposite James, with her book out like Remus, and Sirius lay out across the seat Scarlet was sat on, feet on Scarlets lap.
Scarlet sent him a look, but didn't move his feet, before speaking.
"How was everyone's holidays, also, where's Pete?"
"It was good thanks, Scar, and I'm not sure." Remus looked up, smiling, from his book.
"Mine was alright." Sirius frowned.
"I've told you time and time again, you should move in with us." James grinned, and Sirius grinned back.
After a while the train arrived at the station, (they had found Peter not long after getting on the train, and greeted him with hugs and smiles) and they got on the carriage to get to Hogwarts.
"I have a feeling this is going to be a good year." Scarlet grinned.

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