What are band kids afraid of?

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Band Director: Pencil check.
Band kid's: Oh shit.
Rushing around room, grabbing other people's pencil, searching bags.
Teacher silently shaking head wondering why he even bothers.

Band Director: Music check.
Random Band Kid: Holy shizz nizz.
People grinning triumphantly.

Band Director: Today we will be going outside-
Groans going through the room.
Band Director: to practice. So please get all your things together. Because once I close this door you won't be coming back in until the bell rings. Am I clear?
Band kids: Yes sir.
Shuffling around the room getting shit together.
Walking outside, Teacher closes door.
Random band kid: Oh nizz I forgot the Fight Song.
Band Director: Too bad you're not going back inside.

Getting called on for a solo, when your not prepared.

Not having your instrument.

No Water.

Forgotten music.

Breaking your instrument.

Breaking your reed.

Not having your reed.

Not cleaning your instrument.

Losing your place in a song.

Letting other people touch their instruments.

Getting called on.

Fucking up.

Outside practice.

No slide oil.

No grease.

Not eating before a game.

Not going to the bathroom before the game.

Being late.

Laughing during a song.


Explaining to a teacher why your late because of your instrument.

Getting food in your instrument.


Getting someone else's spit on them.

Sharing reeds.

Fucking up a song.

Forgetting a piece of your instrument.

Not practicing.

No hair tie.

And many more.

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