Mystery Shack

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Coralline stepped out of the car. Her legs were sore from sitting for so long. She stretched and walked around. The car was parked in front of a small building resembling a broken down cabin surrounded by thick woods. Coralline looked up to see it was called Mystery Shack. What a dump, she thought, looking around. There weren't any people, besides Coralline and her family.

Coralline's mom got out of the car and looked towards the shack. She sighed and pulled out her phone. "I guess we will meet them here." She typed some stuff into the phone, but Coralline wasn't paying attention. She wanted to go exploring. She took off her flip flops and put on her favorite yellow boots. "Hey mom, I'm going to survey the area for any signs of life." she called. Her mom ignored her and kept at her phone. "Might not come back alive." She said loudly, hoping to catch her mom's attention. 

Coralline ventured over by the woods, keeping an eye on her parents. She sighed. "Yea yea , sweetie, don't go far." Her mom called.

"Yeah yeah," Coralline muttered, kicking a stone out of her way. It was still light outside, but the woods it seemed a lot darker. She sat down on a stump and pulled out her phone. No reception. She sighed and slumped over the stump. This place is so boring, She thought. I wish Wybie was here, then I'd have someone to complain to.

She stayed on the stump for a while, fiddling with some moss, until she heard the faint sound of a car approaching. She sat upright and looked to the road. That must be them! She hoped. Coralline was looking forward to meeting Norman,  since he was about her age. She peered out of the forest and saw a tall blonde girl with way too much makeup on, and fully decked-out in pink. Eeesh, Coralline thought, That must be Norman's sister. She was not looking forward to meeting her.

Coralline stood up and peered at her cousin's car, in hopes of finding Norman. I wonder what he looks like, She thought. Maybe he is dressed just like his sister, she chuckled, imagining him with blonde hair, and covered in pink. 

Authors note:

Hey! sorry the chapters are so short they will be longer, I'm just trying to introduce the characters first but then it will get better i promise. Please comment for suggestions or anything at all, I love hearing what you have to say :D

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