"You Only Live Once (KathNiel Fanfiction)

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I have a sister namely Chandria. My parents never want us to get into  a relationship if we're still not finish in our studies. Then, here comes the situation.

I was about to call my sister so that we could eat dinner together. Just when I saw her smiling on her phone. At first, I never mind about it. My sister is kind a conservative, innocent, obedient and we trust her so much.

Second time around, I heard her calling someone "Babe". I hesitated if I should ask her first or tell my mom directly. But because I dont want to make false issues about her, I did'nt let anybody know about my doubt. I keep everything in silence.

The last time I saw her is that she is dating with DJ who's formerly her boyfriend. Her classmates told me that they had been "ON" for almost 4 months ago. 

The things I see and the words and issues I heard, broke my  trust on her. When I went home, I never hesitated to tell my parents. After knowing about the fact, my parents had been worried for Ate isn't home yet and its almost 8:00 in the evening. We skip our dinner just to find her.  Suddenly, a call just arrived, using Ate Chandria's phone and it was Kuya Dj. He said that they are both needing help and he told us where to find them. When we went on the place where they are both in the critical stage in life. We brought them to the nearest hospital but we are all too late. They both died on the same time. The doctor gave us her phone and I read her last conversation with DJ.


[DJ - Arent you home yet?}

[Ate Chandria - Nope. My family don't need me at all. Infact, I dont have home. I don't feel Im a part of the family.]


After reading, I hugged her tightly and tears flowed down from my eyes. My mom said,

"Kate, stop"

" But Mom. This isnt true, its just a dream, right?"

""Kate, I know that it hurts, I know its hard to accept but we need to accept it. It happened.

"Its all my fault mom. I should have told you earlier! I should be the one who died, not ate! :(

"Kate, we all need to be strong. No matter what you do, no matter how many times you blame yourself and even if you'll cry a river, Chandria wouldn't come back. We cant change what just happened. Kate, stop crying. You know what? " She ask me. "You should be happy. Your sister is now with God and I'm sure that she's happy and protected in there. If she sees us sad, she will also be sad. So smile and let her be happy. It's not yet over, she isn't gone. We will all see her, someday. Don't blame yourself for what happened. We understand you. We know that you never want to hurt her. Stop crying and just keep the lesson that sometimes you have to do what is right eventhough it hurts. Because things should be fix earlier before it gets too complicated. Okay?

"Okay mom", I smiled at her. Her words comforted me that time.

From that thay we lost Ate Chandria, I started a good change. I value the things and people sorrounding me. I love them before they disappear. The love and the importance I never have let my sister feel. I should have said that I love and I care for her. I should have let her feel that she's important. If I only do,  she wouldn't have seek it from the others. Well, I guess she's happy wherever she is now. Because I know that she's with God. She's happy and I'm happy for her. The end.

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