Desert Monster

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The dust sweeps across the deep red plains,

As the horseman pulls upon the reigns,

Grunting and skidding they come to a standstill,

A silhouette in the sun upon a hill.

Down jumps the rider with his thick hide boots,

Lifts up his weapon and aims to shoot.

A creature runs quickly upon the desert ground,

But not quick enough for he has already been found.

A crack in the air shatters a once quiet place,

And up goes the horseman to continue his chase.

The creature is wounded and moves with less speed,

But he is still a lot quicker than the steed.

They gallop across everlasting land,

As the sun goes to hide behind the sand.

The day has become darker and older,

And the air has grown sharper and colder.

Across the darkness there is a sea of lights,

In the darkness a storm develops like most nights.

The man is unaware that he is becoming a victim too,

That he is now followed by a growing sandy rain stew.

Sending out a frightening and deafening sound,

It gathers up all that is loose upon the ground.

Storm engulfs man, horse and the creature they were after,

And through the screaming storm you hear the man's laughter.

He has been thrown from his horse landing upon his prey,

Now buried in sand with eternal sleep both shall lay.

Desert MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now