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 Rabbit stared out the window at the fog surrounding his house, he'd have to walk through it. He didn't make a sound as he carefully slipped his shoes on and glanced in the mirror hanging on the wall next to the front door.

 Looking back at him was a boy, hair just long enough to cover his pale blue eyes from the world. His white-blond hair looked unnaturally soft, it had never seen a straightening iron since it was already straight. A long sleeve, black shirt hung off his shoulders being too big, his collar bones were sharp and easy to see. He wore tight white skinny jeans a rainbow belt making his shirt bunch up around his waist. His hands were hidden under the long sleeves.

 Shaking his head at his reflection Rabbit opened the door and stepped out only to catch his foot on the frame and face plant on the hard ground, shrill laughter came from behind him. Rabbit's older brother laughed at the lame sight.

 Kameron couldn't remember a time Rabbit managed to walk through a door way without tripping. Rabbit started to get up only to be pushed back down as Kameron's foot got planted in the middle of his back. The air rushed out of Rabbit's lungs as his brother stepped on him and walked over him. Grunting Rabbit watched his brother's back as he hopped into his car and pulled away from the house.

 He grumbled in his mind as he stood and closed the door, rubbing his back. As he stepped onto the lawn three cats immediately started to rub on his legs, he pause briefly to rubbed each one's head before stepping over them and started to walk to school.

 A long 20 minutes, 4 trips, 2 stumbles, and 5 almost getting hit by cars later he made it to his new school. Rabbit had never been to a public high school before, he's always been home schooled because of his bad luck. Now with the move and being settled in there was no way his father would teach him anything. Rabbit had been forced to teach himself, but for some reason his father had changed his mind and now Rabbit had to go to school with his brother.

 Kameron and Rabbit were the same age, supposed to be twins but they didn't really look alike. Kameron had dark blue eyes, he dyed his hair black, and had great luck. Rabbit, however, kept his hair blond, had pale blue eyes rimmed with black making them look paler, had horrible luck, and more often then not got mistaken for a girl.

 Rabbit's upper face could not be seen by anyone but he could clearly see everyone, just the way he liked it. If people saw his eyes they would easily see he was sleep deprived. Rabbit could thank his father for that.

 Rabbit felt eyes following him as he made his way across the yard to the front office. Of course he had to trip over his own feet and face plant in the gravel, he stayed there a moment as snickers filled his ears. Slowly he pushed himself up, picked up his back pack only to have a crow fly into his stomach.

 A sharp cry left the small boy's mouth as the crow knocked the air out of him and pushed him onto his ass. Gasping for air Rabbit wrapped his arms around the flailing wings of the black bird and held it still, he eyed the black thing in his hands. The crow, oddly relaxed in Rabbit's arms, cawed before Rabbit let it go and it flapped to the ground before flying away.

 The air was thick with disbelief, sure people get the ass end of birds but who has one barrel into them out of no where? Rabbit.

 Standing he hissed at the soft throbbing in his stomach from the force of the impact, Rabbit paused when a voice echoed around the parking lot "Fuck yes! I got that on video!" Groaning Rabbit shuffled into the building with eyes glued to him in shock.

 This day, was the worst day of Rabbit's life. By lunch time he had his pen explode on him, his lunch stolen, his backpack thrown in the dumpster, he'd been spit on, and to top it all of a dog was now eating the food that had been dumped all over him by some random guy. Rabbit ignored the laughter around him as he stood and just walked out of the school.

 He didn't plan on going back, he didn't know if he was going to live to see the next sunrise. At this rate something was going to kill him. His body complained and protested the whole walk to his new house, he had a growing bruise on his stomach where the crow had hit him this morning.

 Rabbit trudged into his empty house and stripped down to his boxers, and made his way to his bathroom. Just before his hand turned the water on soft whispers filled his ears. Chanting he couldn't understand, it was muffled but clear. Curious Rabbit opened the door to his bedroom, he looked down the hall way toward the stairs, but that's not where it was coming from. Stepping into the hall Rabbit turned the other way, toward a part of the house he hadn't bothered going into just yet.

 Tilting his head Rabbit carefully walked toward the whispers, slowly and steadily getting just slightly louder the further he went into the dark hall. A cold chill ran up his bare back, fear seeped into Rabbit's heart holding him in an unwavering grip.

 It didn't matter if Rabbit wanted to turn and run, he could not. His feet slid on the ground until he came to stairs leading up, he could see a closed door at the top. A gentle glow came from under the doorway, Rabbit found himself stepping up. Step by step the cold settled into his feet, clawing its way up his legs. Sweat formed on his face, his heart jack hammering in his chest. The stairs squeaked and groaned under his feet.

 With a shaking hand, goose bumps running along his body, he gripped the door's knob and twisted it. The chanting continued, with a dry throat Rabbit stepped into the old dusty room.

 It was faintly light by a yellowish blue glow radiating from a mirror in the back of the pile of old boxes containing nothing but junk. The door creaked closed behind Rabbit as his feet forced him forward, blood roaring in his ears. His eyes were wide as he took in the sight before him.

 He saw himself, but his surroundings inside the mirror were that of a forest not the room behind him. The mirror rippled as if it were water and shapes appeared, dark cloaked figures stood in a half circle around Rabbit's reflection. Their mouths were moving and an icy hiss ripped Rabbit's breath away, he found himself being pulled into the mirror. A scream fell from his mouth as water slid up his legs, Rabbit turned to run only managing to trip, the water creeping up his body.

 Cries of help rolled from his lips as the water slid along his skin, encasing him, forcing him to close his mouth and hold his breath. Rabbit closed his eyes tightly as he floated along inside the freezing water. Fear was all he felt in his quickly numbing body.

The Life of a Boy Named RabbitTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang