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Created by AlfieCallan (Wattpad).

Edited by MrSmileyLOS (not on Wattpad)

My first short story, in fact my first attempt ever :3 I hope its not too bad :)


I stared down at the dark, frozen lake. The seemingly endless body of water, covered in thin ice, looked so peaceful; so much better than my life. Everyone hated me; my brother, my 'friends', even my own mother. A stain, that's all I was; all I have ever been to anyone. Oppressed by my carer and cheated on by my boyfriend, not least with my best friend, the one whom I thought I could cry to, the one who I need not hide from. She betrayed me. I knew then my life was not worth the price of such heart-breaking sadness. I waited on the cold, wet bridge, awaiting the victor of the battle between my will and the human instinct telling me to avoid the deadly chasm below.

My will prevailed.

As I prepared to jump, She pulled around the corner. Lucy. Swerving dangerously on the icy road, she sped on her Harley towards my lone figure, her curvaceous body hugging the bike, as it hugged my man only a few moments before. I stepped back onto the road. At least she had the decency to change before she got out of my boyfriend's bed, where I'd found her, lying with my Tyler. She came to a halt.

"What are you doing here, Marie?" she said her brown hair ruffling in the bitter winter wind.

"Nothing," I lied. She knew I was lying. She knows me well. Too well.

"No, Look, it's not what you think," she said, a desperate expression plastered on her face. I frowned, trying to keep my distance from her, while moving closer to the edge. She may know me, true, but I also knew when she was buying time.

"So, seeing you with Tyler like that is something completely normal, then!" I shouted frantically.

"He was never yours, Marie", she said sweetly, her porcelain face of remorse instantly shattering to reveal a glimpse of the true venom within her. "Now stop overreacting and come here! Think of your friends, your family! Think of what you have to live for!"

And so I did. I thought of them, my life; my family. And it all fuelled my anger even more...

*7 years earlier.....*

"Come on, you have to get up!" Dad cried up the stairs. I heard the angry tone in his voice, and decided I would push him no further. For now. "I'm up!" I hollered back down, appearing on the landing. He nodded briskly, and then marched off to get ready himself. Then I heard my mother's voice from the front room. "Get down here, you stupid child!" she shouted. She sounded drunk. I glanced at the clock. '8:36. Wow, Mum, A New record', I muttered to myself as I sleepwalked across my carpeted floor.

And right I was. As I descended down the stairs, she appeared in my sight, a bottle of Jack Daniels in hand. It was always Jack, never knew why. She  stumbled towards me, not taking any regard of me whatsoever. I sighed. I should be used to this by now, but every time she ignored me, it hurt inside to know that I was a mistake; ignored and unwanted. As she brushed past me, I said "Hello mum", hoping for an answer. She turned to me, gave me a look of pure hatred, and walked off. I cried silently.

My first day of secondary school, and the only things my parents did for me was getting me up and feeding me....occasionally. There was no love. But it was too late anyway; I'd closed up now, I could not, would not love, for I was never shown how.

2 months ago.....

"And lastly, our final graduation student is Miss Marie Sophia Golding!" shouted Mr McGregor, our college headmaster. People clapped politely as I came up to receive the final handshake, talk and present routine from Mr McGregor this year.

As I walked off, I thought I saw my dad's Chrysler in the background, and I was right. My heart sped, better late than never, right? But he was speeding. My dad never... I stopped in mid-thought as I realised it must be my drunken mother behind the wheel. I ran towards it, ignoring the glares and surprised glances of my fellow pupils. I saw it before it happened. The Chrysler sped through the school gates, heading straight for me. I could see my mother's drunken faces through the windscreen. I swear just before I jumped I saw her mouth the words "I hate you". Seconds later, I was being helped up; my mother... she wasn't so lucky. My dad soon arrived, crying over my mother. I turned to comfort him, but he pushed me away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked at me, and said quietly, "Marie, your mother hated you because you are not her child. You never were."

And with that he left me alone.


I realised just how much I needed to live. I didn't have to be alone always. I took a deep breath, knowing I can change my life. As I stepped off the side, I felt...alive, tranquil, at peace. I never thought I would have such luxuries. I cast my mind back, over my friends, Tyler, my father, and Sarah. The one I called mum. My main thought, before I was enveloped by Lucy, was, "You are my mother, and I forgive you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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