Meeting Voldemort

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He was grinning as we rose. "Well, well!" He shouted. "Finally, worthy Death Eaters!"

Around me, everyone beamed. Of course they would, sick people that they were. "Sit everyone," He said, gesturing his arms around.

As I made my way to the back of the room he spoke up. "Except Draco and the girl."

It felt like time stopped for me. Oh shit. Well, get this over as soon as possible. I retraced my steps back to the centre of the room, with Draco standing right next to me.

"First of all, congratulations. You both did what a group of death eaters couldn't." He sneered.

He walked over to Draco, and Draco was scared shitless. "You have kept your family's honor, after all." He said and honestly, I felt like kicking his ass. He had absolutely no right to taunt him like that.

"You may go," He said, then walked over to me. I was not gonna loose to this son of a bitch. This was what I was meant to do. "What is your name?" He asked.

"Arianna Silver Black, my lord." I answered, keeping my eyes on the ground.

"Ah, Sirius or Regulas?" He asked.

"Sirius, my Lord," I raised my eyes. "But I have no wish to become like him, I want to serve you, my rightful master."

"The Black family has betrayed me," He said. "Except Bellatrix, of course. And how could I forget Narcissa. But you have proved your worth." Then he screamed. "She has done, what none of you could do! She had, disarmed Dumbledore!"

The others jeered and clapped. I felt remorse. to disarm one of the greatest wizards in history was not a thing to be proud of, and here I was, in the middle of such idiotic people.

"Come my dear." He put his hand out and shakily, I put my hand in his. "You will receive the dark mark tomorrow. You will be one of ours. Then together, we shall destroy The Chosen One."

Honestly, I felt sick to my stomach. But I kept it together, I had to. For Ron and Hermione. For Ginny. Luna. Seamus and Dean. All the others.

But most importantly, for Harry.


Harry's POV

She's gone. She's joined the Dark Side. He's gone. He's left us forever. He's given me nothing to go on with, except survive and find horcruxes. But where, how and by what? I'm gonna fail.

If Arianna was here, she would be going on and on about how giving up is easy, but taking the challenge defines who you are. She would help me, together we could have found horcruxes, but now it's useless. She's gone and I have Ron and Hermione.

They all were shocked to know that Arianna had disarmed Dumbledore herself and Snape had killed him. We had his funeral yesterday and there was not one person who wasn't crying. Draco and Arianna were not seen, but that was expected. Honestly, I would have liked to see her, just one last time.

Today, we had to go. Due to his death, the school year had been cancelled for the rest of the year. For others, it could mean extra holidays, but for me, it was going back to Privet Drive. Hell, in other words.

Everyone was on guard. Especially the muggle borns. They were all going into hiding as soon as possible, they knew that Voldemort was unstoppable. When Dumbledore died, the fortress went. They were all out in the open, and what was I doing? Thinking about my Ari.

As soon as I sat on the bed, the door opened. There was no one in the dorm room except me, as Dean had gone home already and Seamus was leaving right now. Ron had gone down to the Great Hall, to say goodbye to Slyvia.

It was Hermione. She came and sat next to me, wrapping her hands around me. "I know it's tough," She began.

"Why would Ari do this to us?" I asked, again.

"Didn't she say the one time, for her, family was everything." She remarked. "She would go to the ends of earth for Malfoy, don't you see that?" She was on a roll now. "Maybe she's doing this to protect us or maybe she's actually doing 5 his for her benefit, we don't know. But what we do know, is that we have to defeat Voldemort -" She shuddered. "You have to."

"I know," I said. "But I don't want to put you guys in danger."

"Harry, mate -" Ron started as he walked in. "You shouldn't have been in my carriage if you didn't want to put us in danger."

We all laughed at that memory. Ron, shocked to see me and me shocked to see the magical world. Hermione acting so bossy. Fred and George, Percy, everyone. Sometimes, I would wonder how would it be if I wasn't marked by Him. Pretty ordinary.

"Come on, then!" Hermione stood up. "We'll go to the carriages. And remember, we are picking you up for the wedding." Ron said.

"Are you sure?" I asked, feeling like I was intruding. Bill and Fleur's wedding, wow.

"Mum's thought of you as her kid, do you know that?" Ron laughed. "And anyways, Fluer was very specific and it is the one thing that both of the women would agree on.

We all laughed and they went out of the dorm, waiting for me at the entrance of the Great Hall. I looked around one last time. It was scary and daunting but I knew, for all the people that Voldemort had hurt and killed, I had to do this.

For them.



Actually this chapter was supposed to be published on 1st October, but I had to proof read and I really didn't get time to do that but I did it!







Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz