Chapter 7

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I do not own the song above, all credit goes to the creators. This song actually comes from my inspiration for this story. If you haven't seen this movie, it's called Anastasia and is one of my all time favorites. Just imagine that Ana( the girl) is Wilma and Demetri( the guy with brown hair) is Alexander, also Vladimir( the guy with grey hair )is what I imagine Alexander's mentor to look like. Hope your enjoying the story so far and continue to. Also ignore the kiss....for now lol

Chapter 7

" I feel stupid" I mumbled and Mikael, Alexander's mentor chuckled. " if your going to learn to dance, you have to dress appropriately, you can't wear jeans for everything Victorian". I sighed before turning to the mirror. We were still in the summer home but Mikael said we would leave for the castle in a week, during which time he was going to teach me as much he could with the help of Alexander. Tonight I would make my appearance before the aristocrats of the vampire world, though I was nervous because I my father would be there. My dress was blood red and poofed out, it was sleeveless and hung on my shoulders reminding me of Belle's dress from the beauty and the beast. My hair was does up in an elegant bun and I frowned not really believing it was me." I believe it is missing something" Mikael told me and my eyes widened as he walked over to me holding a tiara. It had a vine decoration but a single sapphire hung from the center. Carefully he placed it along my forehead with the sapphire hanging in the center of my forehead. I turned to the mirror and I gasped seeing a man in the door way." you look just like your mother did at her first ball"

He walked toward us and Mikael excused himself, giving us a moment. The man had pitch black hair and dark eyes with flecks of red in them, this man was my father. He reached out and touched my cheek before smiling" your mother would be proud Victorian, just like I am right now to see the women you have become. Though I do believe the people we placed you with changed your name to...Wilma I believe"

I nodded and he sighed before turning for the door." come, we have kept them waiting long enough" I smiled and followed after him, struggling in the heels that I was forced to wear. My father noticed this and chuckled" I had someone hide a pair of flats in here if you need them, I think they are under your pillow." He told me and my eyes widened. I went over to the bed and smiled as I pulled out a pair of black flats.

An hour later, I was watching the vampires as they danced around the room. I heard a cough behind me and looked to find Alexander dressed in a tux." enjoying yourself, your highness"

" not really, I get that you and Mikael told me how to act but I don't feel like me anymore, if I'm even still Wilma somehow" I admitted and he was silent before holding out his hand." then let's find out, care to dance" I smiled before asking." are we allowed to"

He chuckled" who cares, it's your ball, princess". I took his hand and he led me to the center of the room, causing everyone to look over at us. A song began to play and He smiled" just follow my lead and try not to step on my feet like last time"

I laughed at the memory and we began to dance( listen to the song above). As the song played I had a feeling I'd never felt before, a feeling I couldn't place." V-....Wilma, do you remember what I told you before we left, about you not being in this alone"

" yes, why do you ask"

" I'm not just your bodyguard Wilma, I'm your-" before he could finish the windows shattered and everyone gasped in shock. Vampires scrambled to get away from the light as it rained in from the windows. I felt Alexander get pulled away from me" Wilma" I heard him cry" Wilma" I was pushed and shoved from side to side before being to knocked to the ground, my tiara went flying off my head and my dress was ripped under the feet off panicked vampires. I felt something collide with my head before everything went black.

Alexander's POV

I pushed and shoved trying to get back to her, oh why I had I let her go just when I was about to tell her. Mikael had told me that I should have told as soon as possible but I wanted her to be happy and know she had a place before I stacked even more on top of her." Wilma" I screamed just in time to see a cloaked figure carry her up the staircase that led to the balcony. I ran after them only to stop when the man grew giant leathery wings and took to the sky." no" I yelled falling to my knees. Mentor appeared with the king and a bunch of guards just as they disappeared over the trees.

Mentor came over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder but I pushed him away making him sigh." we will find her Alexander, we have done so once, we will do so again"

" and if we don't find her in time, she will die, Mentor. I can't lose her" I cried and his eyes widened" you've grown attached Alexander"

" no, it's more then that Mentor, she is mine and I am hers"

" Soulmates" The king gasped but I didn't answer before I got up and walked off.

I will find you my princess, even if it takes breaking the promise I made, to bring you home.

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