Coming Home.

69 3 4

Hailee's p.o.v.

"And the winner of the 2015 xfactor UK is..."

I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.

"lolli pop the occapella group!"

I silently mumbled to my self.

    After thanking my fans I headed to my hotel for the night. Tomorrow I head back home.
My parents own a big farm. Probably the most used brand In the UK. It's cool and all and we have a lot of money but I'm not a fan. My parents are strong believers in all work no play. There not abusive just hard workers. Witch means go home, unpack , do chores , eat dinner , and sleep . My routine for the past 20 years.
My dream is to become a singing sensation or a famous actor. I'd love to sing on tour or guest star in tv shows. But the xfactor was my shot for proving myself to my parents. Since I lost that, it's gonna take a miracle to get out of the farming business for the rest of my life.


I pulled my suit case along the carpeted hotel hall way.
The floral pattern was so detailed it almost gave me a headachce trying to follow each swirl and line.
I boarded the elevator. There was one other person . The man looked a little suspicious seeing that he was wearing baggy sweat pants and a over sized sweat shirt. 
"What floor love?" He asked.
He was brittish so he's deffenitly from here.

"Ground please."

He nodded and entered the button in.
It was odd I could have sworn I heard his voice before.

"Hey do I happen to know you from somewhere?"
He said pulling down his hooded sweatshirt. He. Smiled at my shocked face.
"Liam from one direction?! Omg I'm a huge fan you guys are like my idols! Sorry to freak out this is just such a big suprise."
He blushed. He must hear that all the time but I said it any ways.

"Thanks! Your pretty inspirational your self. Making it that far on the xfactor. Me and the boys wanted you to win."
Now it was my turn to blush.

"Thank you. This is my floor but it was so awesome meeting you in person. "
"Wait! here, " he handed me a small scrap of paper. "this is my number, text me sometime. Maybe we can meet up somewhere since we won't be on tour for a while."

And with that last word the elevator doors closed and he left.

I approached the gates preparing to board the plane. It's only a four hour drive from where I live to were the x factor was, but I figured I'd get home quicker and hopefully get less noticed by haters and fans. I took my seat I didn't bother with first class or anything I'm not one of those people where I'm to cool for secound class with all thoughs commen folk. Lol. I sat next to a window. I was the first person on the plane. But was soon followed by many people. Luckily only two people recognized me two 12 year olds who looked to be twins.

"Hey your (y/n) from the xfactor!! I'm Lacy! "

"I'm Tracey!!"

"Were like you biggest fans!!!"

I talked to them for a secound I gave them my autograph but then they were told to take there seats. Finally someone took the seat next to me and the plane took off.

"Hi I'm Zack"

The male brunette next to me claimed.

"I'm (y/n)."

"I saw you on the xfactor. You should have won."

"Thanks. But I guess ocapella is pretty big since pitch perfect came out. "
We giggled . We talked for the next hour and a half till the plane landed. We exchanged numbers and I headed to the street to get a cab. Because of course my parents were to busy with work to pick me up. I pulled out my phone and texted Liam.

Me: Hey its Hailee we talked on the lift.

Liam: hey Hailee how may I be of your service?

Me: just wanted to say hi .

Liam: well hi <3

Me: hi

Liam : you live in (random town name) right?

Me : yeah.

Liam: I won't be to far from there this weekend. maybe we could get some coffee or tea.

Me: sure see you then!

I did a little victory dance . Getting to hang out with my idols . It's totally a dream come true.

We soon aproched my family's mansion. I tipped the driver and headed inside. I entered the house and...


All my friends and family jumped out, two of my best friends from high school Nick and Mike.  And my parents. And my grandparents and my aunt and uncle and my younger cousin Maddy. We called each other senpai though since she was into manga. She's 19 while Nick, Mike and me are 20.
Any ways,
"thank you you guys!!! "
"you deserved to win (y/n) senpai!"
"thanks Maddy-chan!"
The rest of the party consumed of hugs "I'm sorry you lost" , "you should have won" , oh and cake! My mom and dad even bought me a necklace and a new car. Extreme but that's how they show there affection. Gifts and money. After the party ended and every one went home I headed to bed and texted Zack.

Zack attack : Did you see how I entered my name in your phone :)

Me: Sure did mister Zack attack.

Zack attack : lol you can change it if you want.

Me : I like it. So how far do you live from (random town name)

Zack attack: Actullay I live there . Pancake street .

Me : No way! Me too ! What house number?

Zack attack : 1111

Me: 1120

Zack attack :I'm going outside meet me there

Me: lol . alright !

"I can't believe we live so close to each other. "

"I can't believe you the rich family at the end of the street. "

"Well this is the street for big marketing company houses. What's your family sell?"

"The houses"
We giggle.

"So you parents are realiters? "

"Yep "


We talked until midnight and decided to head our separate ways. Today has sure been eventful.

Authors note: sorry for adding Zack into the story but he will be important later on. Like vote and follow. Like I said one to two updates every week. Byyyyyeeee!!!!<3

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