Stereotypical? Naw. (ya)

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So, for this artbook is the very first drawing of mine!

Yes, it's not pretty but I was lazy.

Now, here's his description;

Name: Ricardo Gonzalez Lopez Junior (Jr.) the Third.

Looks: Ricardo wears a sombrero, a utility belt, and pitch-black shades. He also holds a stick/cane. He also has a fishing pole attached to his hat •v• Lastly, he has a mustache and a goatee!

About himself: Ricardo died from over-eating on tacos. He is Mexican. He is also a ghost now. Ricardo's blindness ended in him chasing the taco's on the fishing line foreverererer. He likes to surf in his free time, and eat cats! But, he also turned into a cat-ghost hybrid, hence his really weird cat-rat tail, claws, ears, and super-senses! His teeth were just like that though :3 they reminded me of a sugar skull, which is also why I made him Mexican.

You have permission to tell me your opinion on my drawings, btw :) I will take them very nicely, even towards the hate. MEEP!! I think, I'll post again today, and show you some of my fresh doodles. Cool? Cool.

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