Chapter 2

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(This is Madison)
Julia POV
Dear Madison,
Now that I am settling in nice I thought that I'd give you some awesome news. Due to the fact when the Emmys come I will be famous my producer, I can't believe I'm even saying producer, he said that you can design my Emmys dress. You know what I like to but this time I want something different but still me. I think a mermaid style dress just think of some ideas and the best news of this letter in July I will be coming home for 3 weeks so we can talk just like we used to. I'm so excited to see you and all my family but mostly you. I almost forgot I need a date to the Emmys hope you can help me with that I need someone my age and about my height.
Can't wait to see you,
   After I finished my letter to Madison I looked outside it was pitch black wow
I stayed up late. It was so strange that I could stay up that late on someone I haven't seen in a few weeks, but that's how me and Madison work. Our friendship can last 3000 miles. Now I was going to get in the shower but I heard a knock at the door. I quickly put on my robe and open the door. I was shocked to see who it was...

Sorry so short just wanted to leave you at a mini cliff hanger vote for me😍😍😍👌🏼

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