14. More Than Spring Rolls

Start from the beginning

She took another step forward, which made him sit on the arm of the couch. She was standing between his legs. Ok. This is it, she told herself. His pupils are dilated, his breathing has increased...

She pinched her lips together, taking a deep breath and she went for it. She leaned it, not so slowly, and brought her face closer to his. She could smell his aftershave, feel his breath on her skin. Intoxicating.

Whoa! He didn't know why. He panicked. And put his hands on her shoulders to stop her.

She felt him stopping her. She pulled away quickly. And felt like she was liquefying. Even if it was realistically impossible, she was going to drown in humiliation. Her face flushed and she shut her eyes tightly.

"I'm sorry," she quickly said with a nervous laugh. Real nervous.

"No! I..." he got up, reaching for her, wanting to take her by the shoulders and tell her he panicked.

"It's fine!" she said, mortified. "I not used to feeling stupid, but I'm pretty sure it'll pass..." I hope so.

She paced around, letting out another nervous laugh and shook her head. Wow. I was not expecting that.

Booth was a moron.

"Don't say that," he said. "I'm sorry. I..."

"I misread the signs," she said. "I thought... But it's fine."

"You thought what?" That's called pushing it, man.

"That you... That you wanted me to do that. But..."

And you were so fucking right! Please, can we start over?

"...evidently, it's not the case."

"No! I mean yes! What makes you think I don't?"

Really? You asking her that? Booth! What the hell?!

She looked at him. He wasn't sure, but she looked furious.

"Well, you pushing me away was a pretty good indicator!"

"I didn't know what to think!" he explained. "You..." He motioned his hand towards her. "...with the blouse... and the..." He pointed to the food on the table. "...rolls... I..."

"It's fine, Booth! We really don't have to go into this."

"Oh, but we do."

She sighed.

"I was just trying to kiss you, that's all!"

Yeah, that's the problem!!

"That's the problem!" he let out. He could have slapped himself.

"Yeah, I get it. You don't want to kiss me. It's no big deal. We can move on now. Please?" Her chest was tightening. She found it difficult to breathe. Now, if only she could stop the stinging in her eyes...

"No, you don't get it!" His erection was getting painful. He was about to lose control. "I can't just kiss you right now!"

She raised her hands to stop him.

"Yeah, ok! Stop now. Please," she begged. Her voice did not crack. But she was about to. And she didn't want to feel like this anymore.

She really didn't understand. Of course, she doesn't. You're not explaining it really well. And he was pissed at himself for not being able to. He would have to show her. He sighed, laughed at his pathetic self. Was he really going to do that? He took her by the hips and slowly pushed again until her rear hit the desk.

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