1. Everything Is Logic - Except This

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"You've dated younger guys before, haven't you?" Angela asked.

Sober Brennan would not have been able to understand her own train of thoughts, but her tipsy-self felt she had to tell someone. Finally let it out. Admit it aloud.

"I think I'm attracted to Booth."

That came out of nowhere... Angela thought, trying not to squee, as she kept staring at the screen, like she hadn't really heard the huge confession.

Brennan felt a pinch of disappointment. She had expected her friend to start cheering, to jump up and down on the couch, to do something. But all Angela said was,

"He's 5 years older than you. We're talking about younger guys here."

Brennan found the remote in the couch cushions and hit pause.

"Ange, did you hear me? I said I'm attracted to Booth."

Angela raised an eyebrow.

"You said you thought you were. You're sure now?"

Brennan frowned and held back a little. She was feeling as though she had set foot on a land mine.

"You think this is news, Bren? I told you that 2, no, 3 years ago. I'm glad you finally put it into words, though. Makes it more real, doesn't it?"

"But... How could you... I mean, when have I ever done or say anything that gave you that impression?"

"Are you kidding?" Angela said. Seeing how lost Brennan really looked, she sat up more comfortably. This might take a while.

Brennan took a deep breath and tried to understand.

"I've always been professional. I've never... Do you think he knows?" Her voice cracked. She was scared now.

"You would barge into his place naked and he would still remain clueless."

Right. Because he doesn't think of me that way. Ever. He's made that clear a million times already. Feeling the hinge of her stomach twisting sorely, she blamed the alcohol, turned back to the TV and pressed play.

"Whoa! This conversation is not over, Brennan," Angela said.

Brennan felt the urge to change the subject. But she was so nervous of finally talking about this out loud that she couldn't find anything else to say. So she got up and fled to the kitchen.

"Do you have anything to eat?" she said.

"I've waited long enough to have this conversation. You're not changing the subject," Angela followed her.

Brennan stopped. Her head was spinning. Or was it the room? She leaned against the wall.

"It's no big deal, Ange," she defended herself. "He's alpha..."

"Aw, don't give me that alpha-male, hormonal crap. Everyone can see you two are eating the walls not to jump each other."

Brennan laughed out loud at the image.

"That's not true! We're not..."

"Look. You know when you watch Sex and the City, you root for Carrie and Mr Big? Because you see this huge thing between them?"

Brennan shook her head.

"Yeah, but that's because of music and camera angles. That's viewer manipulation. It's all about editing."

Angela grabbed her friend by the shoulders.

"When we watch you and Booth, that's exactly what we see. No editing."

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