The bell rang for Spanish, Christian was placed beside me again.

Next class was History. Guess who was made to sit beside me? Christian.

Breaktime. I met up with Cat, I still hadn't told her Christian and I were dating.

"Have you seen the hot new guy?" she smiled.

"Uhh, yeah, I think I know who you're talking about.."

"I mean, no-one can get more perfect than him. His name is Christian Beadles. His sister is dating Justin Bieber, THE Justin Bieber!" she fangirled.

"Haha, yeah." I was disappointed.

"Whats wrong?" she asked.

'Uhm. Look. I know this sounds crazy. But..aghh."

"What? Spit it out!"

"Christian's my boyfriend." I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see her reaction.

"You're so funny!" she laughed.



"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"He's not really your boyfriend.."

"Yes, uhm. he is."

"Prove it Jade" she said.

I took out my phone. And hit Christian's number.

""Christian will answer is phone, just watch."

She looked over to Christian sitting with the jocks. I pressed the call button, and 2 seconds later he picked up the phone.

"Hey baby." he said.

"Hey. I told someone."

"Who?" I looked at him, he was smiling.


"Awesome baby, you okay?"

"She doesnt believe me.." I moaned.

"You want me to come to you?" he asked concerned.

"No, just talk to her, on the phone, one second."

I pressed the phone to Cat's ear.

"Uhhmm.Hello?" she stuttered.

A smile grew on her face. She knew the truth.

The bell rang and we headed for English class, one of the few classes Cat and I have together.

*Christian's POV*

After history class, I was surrounded by girls in the hallway. "Christian, you wanna sit with me at break?

"Hi, you want to come to my table?"

"Wanna sit with me babe?"

"Come this way Christian."

"Hey babe, wanna come with me?"

I was the new popular kid. All these girls throwing themselves at me, but all who I want to be with is Jade. I want to be able to hold her hand in the halls, give her piggy backs, kiss her, put my arm round her, and show off

my beautiful girlfriend.

""Dude, Nice to meet you, I'm James." Some built guy tapped my back.

"Christian." I said.

"Do you get this everyday?" He asked.

"Get what?"

"The attention from all the chicks?"

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