Rewind (one direction fanfic)

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Hey this is kittykat, enjoy.

Chapter 1

The chilly winter air blows my long hair behind me as do my morning run. I get a few weird stares at my dark purple hair but it's normal and I am used to it, ever since I got it dyed. I hear a wolf whistle as I run past the park but I ignore it, it's probably just some single boy who is jealous of his love struck friends.

I jog up the path to my house and unlock the door with my key. As I walk in my cat, Cookie greets me. His tail slowly moving but other wise as straight as a pencil.

"Hey Cookie" I coo stroking his fluffy white back "have you been a good boy for mummy?

He meows in response and trots of to the laundry with his nose in the air.

"I will give you food after I have a shower! Kay? I say.

I walk into my room and into my bathroom, stepping into the shower and under the cool and refreshing water.

I remember the time when I came home with my beautiful honey hair dyed purple. My mum was so angry she yelled at me and told me she couldn't have a wild daughter with weird hair! She said "what happened to my old Amy? What happened to that good golden little girl?

The thing is I was still golden, just not my hair. I still got good grades and test results. Nothing had changed except my hair colour! I had said to mum then "well it's not as bad as naming your daughter after a gem, Amethyst! Come on! I am just matching my hair to my name!

After that mum told me that I was old enough to look after myself, I could either save up for a plane to Britain, where my dad lives or I could rent a house.

Of course both of them aren't much of an option to a bankrupt sixteen year old! So I alternated between staying with my friends and boy friend. I worked after school at Starbucks, weekends at the nearby zoo helping out there, mornings at the gym working out and teaching classes there and at night I was studying for tests and doing homework.

I was very busy and even now I can't believe I managed to survive but it was worth it as now I have my own cat and house, now I just need a plane ticket. I still work at the gym and Starbucks but now I am not so busy as I have finished school.

I am thinking of going to university but I don't have enough money. I barely have enough for food and other needs. If I had dads phone number I could ring him, but my mum made sure to only give me her number in case I saved enough money to move to Britain. I haven't got a specific subject in mind but after all I am not a very organised person.

I turn the shower off just as it goes cold and change into my red boat neck sweater, black skinny jeans and red converses. Then I plait my long dark hair in a fish tail on the side.

Slowly I walk into the laundry where Cookie is waiting patiently for some cat biscuits.

"Here go" I say tipping them into his special container, that has his name on it.

He meows his thanks and starts to eat, savouring every bite.

"Good boy" I pat his head then go to the kitchen for my food.

I make myself a cup of coffee and relax on the couch with my sketch book and pencils. I start to draw random lines on the page that eventually create itself into a fat and fluffy animal, Cookie. I gently colour him with the correct shades of cream and white for his body and paws and a burnt cookie brown for his ears, face, tail and legs. Then like i do with every other drawing, I blue tac it to my bedroom wall.

My doorbell sounds and Cookie starts to scratch the glass of the door. I hear a chuckle from outside and immediately recognise my visitor as Keaton, my boyfriend.

Keaton has brown hair with his fringe swept to the right and blue grey eyes, I can easily get lost in.

"Hey babe" he smiles.

"Hey" I say and peck him on the cheek.

A/N. this amazing chapter was written by Kate she deserves lots of votes


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2013 ⏰

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