Chapter 5

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I really enjoyed writing this chapter! why? because Im Greek, thats why! hope you like XD


Chapter 5

Storm looks out the window of her plane seat, watching the clouds pass below her. "It von't be long now." Says the Austrian seated next to her. She turns her head to him with a grin on her face. "I'm so excited! I never thought I was Greek for a moment, let alone known anything about it. Now I'm flying there, to meet the most important Greek man there is!" She squeaks with excitement, looking out her window once more. "Ja, exciting!" Roderich agrees, smiling at her warmly.

Austria was no liar when he said it wouldn't be long, because only about twenty minutes later they land safely in none other than the country of Greece, with an excited Storm tumbling out of the plane. "Wow..." Is the first word that leaves her lips when they touch the ground. It is quite a sight, this airport in particular is by just one of many beaches in Greece. "The water... It's so blue! It looks so pure and amazing!" She says with excitement, running to the beach instantly. "Ah, Storm, vait for me!" Calls Roderich, who is trying his very hardest not to get sand on his coat. She doesn't hear him as she runs to the water, rolling up her pant legs as well as kicking off her shoes to run through the water. She laughs as she splashes around, enjoying the perfect temperature while getting her clothes partially wet in the process. "Storm, zat is not very polite! You've only just got here and jou are already splashing in ze beach! It's a bit undignified..." He huffs at her, scolding. She blinks at him, realizing the sense in his words. "Oh yes, I suppose-" "Its perfectly okay Roderich. This is Greece, after all. There aren't rules about such things." Comes a calm voice. Storm turns her head to see a man, not looking older than twenty five walking up slowly. "Now, I... I don't understand Greeks at all. I suppose zats vhy she's here?" Roderich mumbles to himself. The other man laughs very lightly, it's nearly inaudible. Storm is now looking quite confused, looking from Roderich to the man, but mostly to the man. He has brown hair that grows to about his shoulders, olive eyes, and tan skin. He wears such casual clothing, just a pair of khaki pants, a white tee, and a khaki jacket hangs from his shoulders. "Vell, Heracles, it's been quite some time since ze two of us have stepped into the others country, hasn't it?" Austria says with a sigh. "Yes, it has. It's better seeing your face rather than a Turkish one, I can say that much." The man says, taking a seat on the sand. Storm blinks in surprise, eyes widening. She points a finger at him and looks at Roderich. "That's him?! That's Heracles?" She asks in shock. He nods in response, and Storm crashes to the ground next to Heracles, holding out her hand. "It's such an honor, I'm Storm!" She says brightly, smiling at him. He smiles lightly, almost as light as his laugh earlier, as he takes her hand, shaking it softly. "Yes, I know. You are Storm, and you're Greek. I can see you are very excited about this day?" Storm hops up with energy and nods. "I'm more than excited! I get to learn about who I am. Just the fact that I actually get to do that makes me happy!" She says loudly. Roderich looks at them with confusion all over his face. "Heracles... Aren't all Greeks like jou? Calm... Quite..." He asks slowly. Greece lets out a chuckle and stands up. "Most Greeks are actually quite loud and energetic. I'm just calm because I've already lived my Greek days out, I have bigger things to worry about." He says with a small smile, walking away. Storm quickly follows, looking back at Roderich. He gives a wave and walks off himself, leaving the two to spend the day together.

Heracles takes his time, walking through Greece and pointing out different things. "In Greece, there are plenty of places to eat, we are big eaters. Greeks usually eat lamb, and we love to use olive oil and lemon. We don't tend to drink beer, such as Americans or Germans, I suppose any country really. Greeks usually drink wine with cheese, feta cheese is one of out favorites." He explains the food habits, Storm listening intently. He continues to show her around. There are people walking everywhere, many waving and greeting them happily. No one seems to be in a bad mood, and like Heracles had said before, practically everyone was full of energy. "As you can see there are many clubs, places to dance and have parties, including festivals in the streets." She nods, looking around at everyone in awe. She continues to listen to him when they walk into a large building, walking up some stairs. Soon enough they are on the roof, and Heracles takes a seat on the edge. "Come, sit next to me." He says calmly. She seats herself next to him, the sun setting behind them. "Now, look around you. What is it you see?" He says, looking at her. She looks around, sees happy people, Greek flags flapping in the wind, music is playing and much more. "I see what looks like an amazing an happy country, with people who love it and have quite the lifestyle." She says with a grin. Greece smiles a little. "Yes. Now, I am going to share something with you. My country is not doing very well. We are... Well, not doing well with our economy, to say the least. Why do you think that people would continue to be happy, and be able to be so content here, when they know things are terrible here?" He asks, looking at her. She shakes her head, completely distraught. "I... Don't know.." "It's their pride and love for their country. They are all Greek, and they are proud of this. They have a sense that no matter what, they know this is their home, and they will always love it no matter how bad it gets. They love their home, and we all love each other here. The Greeks will take care of each other if one is in need." He points to a flag. "And there are more than enough reminders of who they are, Greek. The pride of the people is the only thing that keeps this country alive sometimes."

Storm watches longingly out the window, sad that her day had to be done so quickly. "That was quite the amazing trip, I must say." Storm says, turing to Roderich. He's writing something down on a paper, not noticing she had spoken. She sighs at first, but notices it's a list. "Is that a list of the guests?!" She shouts excitedly, startling Roderich so much his glasses fall off. "J-Ja, it is." He replies as he places them back on his face. "Who are you inviting so far? Tell me!" She asks excitedly. He sighs, looking at the list. "Vell of course zere vill be me, jou, and Gilbert. I'll also be inviting Ludvig, Heracles, Jour Uncle Francis, jour Uncle Antonio, and possibly others as vell." He reads off the list. "Are you inviting Arthur?" She asks suddenly. There's a long silence, Roderich not looking at her. "Oh come on, you can't be serious. It's been like ten years and you won't allow him to see me for a day?" She asks in shock. He sighs, turning to her. "Maybe." She smiles lightly, knowing that with a little persuading she would probably be able to convince him to allow Arthur to come. She looks out the window again thinking about Gilbert. She still had to get his help in allowing Berwald to come.

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