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"there never existed two people
who deserved happiness
more than them."


hope artin use to dream of handsome princes and fairytale endings. she fantasized about going on adventures and living the best life she could. but people get older, and as they do they start to change. fairytale endings and adventures seemed to drift away as storms began to take over her mind. she was quiet, her silence only growing as the years passed. she began to hide herself behind books that she couldn't bring herself to enjoy anymore. she spent her every waking second suffering, but she didn't tell a soul.

remus lupin believed he'd been doomed from the moment he'd been bitten. he was surprised when he made such good friends at hogwarts, especially when they accepted his secret so graciously. he was quieter than his companions, somewhat more reluctant to join in on their mischief. he often stuck to finding loopholes in the rules rather than explicitly breaking them. he suffered constantly, but he found that it was easier to share it with his friends rather than keep it a secret all to himself.

hope dreamt and wished for a savior she knew would never come.

remus dreamt and wished for a cure he knew didn't exist.

hope was anything but hopeful.

remus was anything but a monster.


warning: this story contains depression, suicidal thoughts & actions, and implied/discussed self harm. if any of these make you uncomfortable, please stop reading.


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