"Just a glass of Pinot please." I answered with a smile.

"Caitlin?" He said, gesturing towards the bar.

She got up, and they both left to get the drinks. For about two seconds, I thought it would be awkward that they left me alone with someone I barely knew, but the thought was quickly disproven. "So, do you do karaoke often?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Not since college. There wasn't a good spot to do it in Starling City, so I might be a little rusty."

"What are you planning on singing?"

"I don't know yet. I'd prefer something in the pop-punk genre, but that might be a bit of a stretch." I laughed.

"I know that they have a lot of Panic! at the Disco on the list." He informed me. "I don't know if they really classify as pop-punk, but I know them and Fall Out Boy are kind of in there."

I nodded. "That works. But I'm not going anywhere near I Write Sins Not Tragedies."

"Why not?" He asked with a smile.

"I'm so sick of everyone always singing that song." I laughed. "I was overplayed when it came out, and it's overplayed now."

"Okay then. What Panic! at the Disco song would you go near?"

I hummed in thought for a second. "I don't know. Probably But It's Better If You Do or The Ballad of Mona Lisa."

"I love both of those songs." He shared happily.

I smiled at him. "Then you should sing one with me."

He chuckled lightly. "You're going to have to get me pretty drunk to get me up there."

"Come on, Cisco. It's fun!"

"What's fun?" Barry asked, handing me the glass of wine as he and Caitlin took their seats.

I thanked him for the wine before answering his question. "Doing karaoke."

"No, doing karaoke drunk is fun." Cisco argued. "Doing karaoke sober is anxiety-inducing."

"I can say, without a doubt, that doing karaoke drunk is just as embarrassing as doing it sober." Caitlin spoke with a laugh.

"Speaking from personal experience, Cait?" Barry asked, obviously in on some joke.

She rolled her eyes, kicking him under the table. Cisco and I laughed as Caitlin made a face at Barry, and he laughed with us. I sipped from the light liquid as we sat there and talked about dozens of different things. Most of our topics were about the people who had gone up to sing, most of them ending in slurred words and walking off the stage not understanding where they were. I had gone through about two and a half glasses of wine before I managed to convince Cisco to sing with me. He was three quarters of the way through his third beer, and I could tell that he was having a hard time keeping himself composed. I was a little tipsy at the moment, but it wasn't anything that I couldn't handle. Cisco had loosened up a lot about singing since he first started drinking, and I could tell that I was in for a treat.

After a small, playful dispute about what to sing, we finally agreed upon my earlier choice, But It's Better If You Do by Panic!. It had been one of my of favorite songs ever since A Fever You Can't Sweat Out came out, and I had covered it numerous times in college. I had an unfair advantage on Cisco, but I wasn't going to tell him that and run the risk of him backing out on me now. We had to wait in line behind a few people, and I could feel the anticipation wafting off of Cisco. I repeatedly told him to calm down and that our turn would come up, but he refused to sit still, more excited about karaoke than I had ever seen anyone. I giggled at his eager demeanor, finding it funnier than it actually was because of the alcohol in my system.

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