Chapter 2 No Escape

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Recap: Suddenly, out of the darkness, is a man with a knife.
I try to hold it back but I can't any longer; I scream at the top of my lungs. Before he can do anything, I grab the girl and dart out the open door. Once we are in the hallway I lock the door from the outside. I run down the hall silently until we come to two doors. "You go through one I'll go through the other 'kay," the little girl asked.
" 'Kay" I replied. We opened each of the doors and sped through the dimly lit halls. Mine was quiet. 'Too quiet' I thought. Then I felt a shiver go up my spine. 'Something's very, very wrong' I thought to myself. And boy was I right because about five seconds later, I heard a scream.
Dun dun duun! Omg cliffhanger!
Okay so this is my very first author's note and my first story written on Wattpad! So I'm not very good at author's notes so....
I'm also dedicating this chapter to Trixy100 because they were the first to comment on my last chapter! Whoever comments on this one first get's the next chapter dedicated to them.
So until the next chapter have a waffle!>'~'>#


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