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w/n: this isn't like the other stories/one shots i do. but please bear with it for this one shot(:

So it was just another day with my two best friends, Drew and Wes. We’ve known each other since kindergarten, and now, just about to graduate high school. We always had sleepovers, and it didn’t bother us. So what if I’m a girl and they’re guys? It’s not like we’re doing something else, we always gossiped, watched movies, ordered pizza, and staying up until 2:30 or later.

“Hey, Rach!” Drew called from down the hall with Wes running behind him.

“Yeah?” turning around.

“Graduation Party. What’s going on with it? Who’s house?”

“Um, I guess mine. My parents aren’t going to be home for it anyway”

The three of us have been planning this for months, and were ecstatic about this. And it so happened that my parents were away for the weekend of the party, which made it so much more better.

I groaned as the bell rang, not wanting to go to my next class. Math. With the worst teacher and the worst people in the class. All of them were so annoying.

“I’ll catch up with you guys after this class, then we can ditch the rest of the day to plan” I tell them, heading towards the worst class ever invented.

We had a habit of ditching the last two periods at least once a month. It was just lunch and study hall. Why give lunch this late in the day, and then study hall right after? Stupid.

I kept looking at the clock, dreading the slowness of the period. Graduation and the party were all I can think about, along with going to college with my two best friends.

We were going to a music school, since we love music..a lot.

Finally. The period ended. I ran out the door, finding Drew and Wes and heading back to Wes’ house. It was perfect. His brother would still in school, and his mom at work.

“Let’s kick up the tunes!” Wes yelled, laughing.

This is what I loved about him, he always knew how to make most things hysterical, but only to himself half the time.

“Got any good food, party boy?” I ask, halfway into the kitchen, scanning for food.

“Nah broski. The only good things are Keaton’s pizza bagels, and you know how he is with them”

Sighing, I went back to the living room and plopped myself next to Drew.

“Let’s order something” Drew said.

“Like?” Wes said.

“The usual, duh, pizza!” I say, laughing as Wes picked me up and threw me to the other couch and sticking my tongue out at him. “and for the party, 5 people each? I don’t want the cops to be called and my parents finding out.”

“Maybe you should just talk, you have all the answers” Wes joked.

“Oh, I love you too” I said sarcastically.

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