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I stroll down the streets near the Gallery, where Jorge is now, applying for a job. My eyes spot many restaurants, beauty salons and a small park with a fountain in its center. Delighted I walk over and sit down by the fountain, watching how pigeons innocently bathe in the water. The sun glimmers in the blues and reflects upon the marble which makes me think of the pebbles outside the French diner we were to the first day we had met. I smile to myself at the memory of him trying to imitate Frenchmen with their 'baugette!' as he tried to make a description for me how to make the waffles we ate. He knew how to make me laugh for certain. It's almost like he already knew me.

I start to hum on a song I heard on the radio many years ago. I'm surprised I even remember it, the slow verses and the powerful chorus it just all floats out of my mouth, like a running waterfall. I haven't sung in years due to Lucinda's no music policy and that only made me feel more consumed by it. I knew from the start modeling wasn't something I want to do, music was and for the first time in forever, I feel like it's possible.

Suddenly, my ears hear another voice from afar and turning around I see a dark haired girl with her back facing me. As I squint to make her out better amongst the trees, I realize the voice is very familiar. The high notes, the clear passionate low keys...it's almost like...

"Hey there."

I turn around and see Jorge's smiling face beaming in the sun. He sits down next to me on the bench, eyeing me excited.

"Hello, how did it go?", I say smiling back, though I think I know the answer already.

"Horrible Tini, I don't know what to do...they said they didn't want me and now...", he begins as I nudge him playfully in the side, he chuckles slightly.

"Stop silly, of course it went good", I say and cross my arms to highlight my words. He nods and places his arm behind me, "Yes, it did. They said they are going to send me a letter on Monday...Oh, I could kiss you right now!"

He pauses as he seems to replay in his mind what he said and I feel the blush appear on my face. He looks down and smiles slightly. "Uh, you can scratch that... I'm just really happy right now", he explains quickly and I smile awkwardly.

His lips fall open as if he is going to say something but no words come out as they are replaced with the faded singing of the girl. I turn around and see her bowing, receiving applauses.

"Do you know who that is?" I ask him who seem to have become as stiff as the marble. I wave my hand slightly in front of his face who then snaps back to reality. "Sorry, what did you say?", he asks stressed.

"The girl over there...do you know her? I think I recognize her but I just can't remember where from, her voice is so familiar, I've must have heard her on the radio or something..." I rant on and on to Jorge who seem very keen on going somewhere else.

"Yeah you probably just heard her on the radio...", he mumbles and stands up, "Maybe we should get going?"

Flustered I look at him, "What right now?"

He nods and stretches out his hand for me to take it. I sigh and let him help me stand up as I take one final look at the dark haired girl who had begun to play another song. I feel Jorge tugging my sleeve slightly making me facing him again.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes", I mumble. "I'm ready."

P.S If you find it weird that she recalls to the memory as to him speaking French it's because I have changed that in chapter 6 as well. It was my original idea that he would speak French instead of Italian and I thought now after I've published that chapter that it suited the story better. Hope you understand! Enjoy your continued reading! Xoxo / SempreTinista_

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