Late Night Arrivals

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Day (well night) 1-

Strife's Point Of View-

With legs of jelly I stand by the coach, waiting for the teacher to allocate the exchange partners. To tell us who exactly we would each be spending a week with.
He runs through the list alphabetically, meaning that I just have more time to panic over what exactly in doing in England when I should be in America, probably at school.
"Will Strife, your partner is Alex Parvis." I scan the crowd of British families, waiting for one to step forwards. No-one does.
Where is he?
I don't know!
Oh god, I'm going to be stranded in England without an exchange.
Oh dear lord, what if I have to stay with the teacher?!
Just as I start to fully freak out, a motorbike screeches into the parking lot, leaving a skid mark as the driver breaks to a halt.
Said driver leaps of, grinning widely as he removes his helmet to reveal messy black hair, "Sorry I'm late, have I missed my exchange?"
Everyone stares at him with mixed awe, shock, horror and amusement. "Name?"
"Alex Parvis." Heads turn to me and I go bright red as I walk over to Alex.
He holds out a hand, "Call me Parv."
"Will Strife." I mumble, shaking his hand.
He nods and beams at me, holding out the helmet, "Put this on."
"Are we- are we going back on... That?" Oh good lord, I'm going to die...
He just climbs on and pats the space behind him. I numbly get on, "What about my stuff?"
He shrugs, "I'll drive back down and pick it up once you're home. Now, sit up close against me, yeah like that, and wrap your arms around me." I do as he says, holding him lightly.
"Where's your helmet?" I ask, blushing as he pulls my arms tighter around him.
"On your head. I'll be fine, don't worry." He laughs before suddenly kicking the bike to life and racing off.
I gasp and my grip tightens around him. I press my face into his back and just close my eyes, imaging that I'm not on the back of a stranger's bike in a country miles away from home.

Sips' Point Of View-

I lean on the bus as they call out partners, barely even listening. Everyone seems to be fuckin' pissing themselves with nerves, I don't see what the big deal is. They're just a bunch of kids like us.
"Sip! Are you even listening?!" The teacher snaps, bringing me to attention.
"I am now." I smirk lazily, grabbing my bag, "Who's my partner?"
"Sjin." He points to a tall boy with brown hair and terrified blue eyes. His mom is frowning at me with utter disgust and I groan, feeling like I've already made a bad impression.
I walk up to him and hold out my hand, "Sips."
"Sj- Sjin." He says. I notice that he pronounced it how it's actually spelt whereas the teacher said it 'shin'. I decide to say it the latter way.
After he shakes my hand I hold it out to his mother, who takes it with less of a frown than before.
After all that boring shit, they lead me to a family car and we get in. I almost feel upset when he goes in the front seat, leaving me in the back on my own.
Oh well, I'm sure we'll become closer over the next week.

Rythian's Point Of View-

I stand rigidly away from everyone, scanning the crowd for who my exchange could be. My eyes catch on a tall blonde boy who seems to be staring at me.
I narrow my eyes and he looks away sheepishly, his face turning sightly red. I feel slightly bad but push the feeling away when the teacher reads my name.
"Rythian Enderborn. Your with Lalna Coffee." The blonde boy steps forwards and so do I, our eyes meeting again.
He smiles nervously and I roll my eyes, grabbing my bags and walking up to him, "Where are your parents?"
"Oh, I live with my Grandparents." He mumbles, looking down, "It's just down the road, come on." He says and leads the way out of his school grounds and into the lamp-lit street.
Neither of us attempt conversation.

A/N- Hey so I copied this over from my one-shot book and will post all future chapters here if you are interested in reading this.
I won't have an update schedule and will just write when ideas come to me and I have time.
I hope to see you in the next instalment, baii!

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