Chapter One

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Gerard has a problem.

A huge problem.

It was not one of those,"I forgot my homework at home" kind of problem, nor one of those "I got jizz all over my ugly school slacks, shit" kind of problem. In fact, those problems were just puny little ants compared to Gerard's problem. And he was not overreacting.

Oh, here he comes.

Gerard peeked from behind his open locker door and saw capital H.I.M making his way down the hall, moving quickly, a stern look on his face that made Gerard's skin crawl. He turned back to his locker, squeezing his eyes shut, preparing himself; when hands gripped on his shoulders, flipped him around, making his back slam against the lockers with a huge thunk.The hands gripped onto his collar.

"Why, hello there, freak." capital H.E. spat, eyes glaring straight into Gerard's. Gerard stared straight back into those brown orbs, panting slightly.

God, did Frank have gorgeous eyes.

Frank growled, low in his throat, and rammed his knee into Gerard's upper thigh. Oh god oh god oh god Gerard's mind raced, feeling the sharp knee digging into his thigh, dangerously close to his dick. Why did he have to turn a situation like this so sexually? Screw his teenage mind and those god-be-damned hormones. Fuck, his thigh was starting to hurt. Frank pulled back his knee; and as Gerard expected it it rammed back into his thigh and started doing that repeatedly, each ram with full force. Gerard groaned, growing limp, with only Frank's hands holding him up. His knee grew slower, but still very forceful.

"P...Pleasee.." Gerard choked out, as he slid on the floor. A foot landed on his chest and pushed him back against the lockers again, where his back slammed against once more.

"Piss off." Frank muttered, and walked away. Gerard laid on the cold tiles, trying hard to blink back tears that were threatening to fall, ignoring the humiliation of all the other kids in the hallway who were now looking at him as he looked ahead at Frank, who just rounded the corner. He picked himself off the ground, limping against the metal doors, a pain in his heart more painful than the ache in his thigh.


"Dude, what happened?" Ray asked, eyeing Gerard. Gerard's pretty sure his posture was a mess; but on the good side, there were no bruises on his face. Hurray for not having to waste any concealer. He sighed, and sat down in a crappy plastic chair, on the opposite side of Ray and Bob at the table, who were watching him intently.

"It's nothing-I just got pushed." He rubbed a hand on his left thigh, which was now twitching and most-likely, bruised.

"Who did it again?" Bob slammed a fist on the table, making a plate of soggy green beans jump. "It's that, Frank, isn't it?!"

"He's a fucking douche!"

Both Ray and Bob's eyes were like vultures, voice dripping with anger. Gerard's heart bounced and he flailed a little.

"No no, guys, guys," He shook his head quickly. "Yeah, it was him, Frank, but calm down. It really wasn't anything. He didn't do much of a harm; I just got pushed against the lockers, that was all."

"That was all? That couldn't have been a 'that was all,' Gerard." Ray pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know that bullying isn't a joke. You can't just say, 'that was all.'" Bob nodded.

"Gerard we've seen how you walk weirdly and we've seen your bruises, man. You're my best fucking friend, and I can't just sit here and watch that dick do all these things to you."

"You've seen me walk weirdly, I could've had just gotten laid?"

Ray rolled his eyes in a total Are you fucking kidding me way.

"Frank needs to be reported."

"No, guys come on." Gerard protested, his gut twisting up. "I'm alive and well and really fucking okay. Let's just drop this topic and enjoy today's ravioli, okay? Mmhm, looks nice." He swiftly picked up a soggy, dripping ravioli with his fork, arching an eyebrow. Ray and Bob just looked at him.

"Alive, yes, but well and okay, not exactly." Bob pointed out, but ate a bite of ravioli anyways. Gerard shoved the one on his fork into his mouth, trying to shut up his screaming mind. What the hell was he doing?

"Gee, there's no need to protect Frank. He's a fucking. piece. of. shit. He bullies you! Almost every single day!" Ray's arms were flailing around, like they were also trying to have their own word.

"Somebody needs to say something about his ugly ass face!"

Is not! Gerard almost blurted out, but he shoved two pieces of ravioli in his mouth just in time before it slipped. Yeah, let the marinara sauce wash it away.

"I'm not trying to protect him," Gerard protested after swallowing. "Like hell would I want to with that prick." Oh but he so was. His heart thudded harder.

"But he really didn't hurt me too much. Maybe some bruises, but those can disappear within days with a couple of ice packs. See, you guys are my best friends too, and I don't want to see you guys, maybe, getting hurt when he didn't do much. I don't want you guys risking yourselves." Gerard bit his lip at how well put that came out. Great.

Ray looked extremely unconvinced, and sighed, flipping his food around. Bob was silent too.

"Fuck, fine." Ray said at last, setting his fork down. "If you do say so, Gerard." He shook his head. "It's not right, but we'll hold back."

"But if he ever does get blood out or break your bones or anything more than bruises, we're calling the fucking cops."

Gerard's heart somehow calmed down and he let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks guys," he said, offering a small smile. "I'll be fine. I swear."
He was done with talking about him and Frank so he changed the topic. "Video games tonight?"

The tension around the table eased and Ray and Bob both crack out smiles.

"Heck yeah!" Bob fist pumped. "I call first player!"
Gerard rolled his eyes, because who the fuck still fights over first player?

They may have ended that discussion, but Gerard's brain was still replaying and screaming about it. Gee, there's no need to protect Frank, he bullies you! Ray had said. Was he trying to protect Frank? From getting in trouble? From getting reported? Gerard mentally shook his head. But he can't really imagine Frank getting reported and having the possibility of getting kicked out of school. That was just.... no.

Everybody, by means of Ray and Bob saw Frank as a sack of shit. Truth is; Gerard saw Frank as a sack of shit with a really, really, hot face.

And that, was Gerard's problem.

He was in love with a bully.

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