Chapter 1

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Good News, Or Bad?

I awaken to the red morning sun. Stretching with a yawn etched across my features, I slowly get out of bed. Out of habit, I check for any sign of a prank. Then I remember, there isn't anyone who would give one to me. It's been three years since he left.

A sharp pang of loss goes through me.  I've found that it's easier to admit that I miss his company, than ignore my pain and turn it into something else. No matter how much I turn away from Daphne's constant insistence that we looove each other, I cannot turn away from the fact that I miss him. His ghost becomes my constant companion, and every time I think to even look for my imaginary friend; to make fake Puck appear, my heart tears and my lungs fail. So I ignore my impulses and continue to block my overwhelming thoughts out.

And that's just what I do now. My brain has been trained to focus on my task at hand; not let my thoughts wander.  I breathe in and out and focus on the detailed parts of the wall, until I fall into a kind-of-a-trance.  Then, I tip-toe down the stairs; not failing to remember to skip the creaky stair. 

I like being alone in the morning.  It gives me time to think and get away from all the ruckus in the world.  It also gives me a chance to get the mail out of the mailbox, a thing that my family always forgets to do in the afternoon when it's dropped off.

I hate to admit it, but I still look for a letter from Puck every day.  It's not like he bothers to write or even call, and it's not like anybody else would send me a letter, anyways, either.

I'm surprised to see that a letter is addressed to me. Probably some stupid pen pal assignments that Red had to do for school, but still.

I rip the letter open and unfold the paper inside of it. Flattening out the paper on the kitchen table, I read:

Dear Sabrina Grimm,
Congratulations! You have been accepted into the Academy for the Adroit, a school for gifted students of all kinds.  It's expected that all students are here on Monday, September 21st.  All students who arrive later than 8:00 a.m. Monday morning will not be accepted into the school. 
Good luck on the upcoming school year!
Professor Bachmeir,
Science Teacher of the Academy of the Adroit

A second piece of paper was tucked away in the envelope, giving directions to the school.

1100, Gillard Street
Baker, CA

(A/N: This address is made up, so do not go around sending letters and stuff to a fake place, alright:)?)

Along with it was a plane ticket. California! I could be going to California!  I nearly squealed with delight.

My father chose that moment to make his dramatic entrance.

"Coffee..." He moans, walking towards the coffee machine like a zombie. "Need coffee."

"Dad!" I squeal this time, and he, both surprised and just tired, raised an eyebrow. "I've been accepted into a gifted school!"

"'Bout time. I've been waiting for them to open a gifted school in Ferryport for a while, now."  My eagerness diminished, and I grimly pull out the address and the letter.

"It's in California," I confessed sheepishly.

All exhaustion gone, Dad leaped up onto a chair and screamed, "WHAT???" If he was any louder, he would wake Daphne up.

"Please, Dad," I begged, the longing clear in my voice. "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity."

"Young lady, you are not going to a school a city away, much less all the way across the United States! If you--" he's cut off by Mom, now awake and preparing the coffee that Dad had started.

"Henry, you know that she must be sick of being cooped up here, just as you were. This is not only her chance if getting away, but if becoming a much smarter and wiser person. She's going to the Academy. It's decided."


"No buts. The ticket has already been bought." She winks at me.

It was decided, I'm going to California. I pack up my stuff, and prepare myself for a long plane ride. School starts on Monday, and today is Friday; I only had so much time to get ready.

It was going to be a long school year.


Yay! Alright, I hope that started it off pretty well.  Please, feel free to comment on my arrors (ha ha ha), and please, please, please, vote!
Thanks, guys!

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