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"Well, if it isn't Mr. and Mrs. Rollins!" I hear an annoyingly familiar voice calling out to us. This date had been going really great until that moment.

"What the hell do you want, Lesnar?" Seth spat out, his eyes focused on the man standing behind me.

"Just stopped by to say hi," he smiled, showing off that crooked front tooth. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Get your dirty hand off of my woman," Rollins was fuming, he stood up and pushed his chair back, then looked like he was going to lunge towards the bigger man.

"Colby," I said in a stern, hushed voice. "Calm down."

"Yeah, Rollins, I'm pretty sure 'your woman' wouldn't want to see you getting hurt, now, would she?" Brock smirked.

"Brock, stop it," I sent him a nasty glare, but he only smiled at my attempt to be mean.

"Save it, baby," Brock shushed me. I rolled my eyes at him trying to be flirty.  He's pathetic.

"You shut up, you have no right to speak  to her.  She clearly doesn't like you, you need to get that fact into your thick skull.  Go away," Colby was getting awfully protective, and proved so by standing in front of me with eyes scanning Lesnar to make sure he doesn't take another step near me. I don't know whether that's sweet, or if I should tell him to move.

Brock stood there, eyes locked on me, with his arms folded across his chest. Anyone could tell that he wasn't planning on moving any time soon. Still, Colby stood in front of me, also not moving. Eventually, someone would have to do something, right?

"Okay, guys," I decided to be the one to break the silence. "I'm outta here."

"Nikki, baby, wait!" Colby gently held on to my arm, spinning me around towards him.


He pulled me close to him, and leaned down to plant a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'll talk to you later?" his playful eyes and puppy dog expression forced my answer to be affirmative.

"Yeah, sure," I gave him a smile, before grabbing my purse and leaving. He returned the smile showing off that cute little tooth gap he has.

| Seth |

I waved and tossed her my signature smile as she exited the cafe. Afterwards, I turned my attention to the guy standing behind me.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat. He looked down at me, eyes unblinking.

"Okaaay," I wanted to avoid this awkwardness we have going on, so I thought it would be best to get out of there as soon as possible. I left money on the table, then started to walk out. I felt Lesnar's presence behind me. Great, now I have a stalker. I started walking faster once I got outside, I knew that I could out run him. I mean, Crossfit's in my blood. I picked up my pace to a full on run, barreling down the busy streets of New York. I glanced once behind me, and found out that he was chasing me like I had suspected.

My running increased, and even when I turned corners thinking that I had lost him, I was wrong. I think that I may have underestimated him. Looking ahead, I noticed a sharp turn that would make me able to lose him. I took the turn, and sure enough, he was gone. I heard a thud behind me, but I wasn't about to stop running to find out what it was.

| Brock |

I stumbled backward a little bit after taking a sharp turn chasing Rollins. Agh, what was that.
I looked in front of me, and noticed that the weasel snuck away. He's lucky this time. But back to the mini-collision I just encountered--I looked down and helped up the person I accidentally knocked over. When I figured out who it was, I groaned.

"What the hell, Brock?!" Ronda's intimidating voice rang.

"You're just as much to blame as I was," I fired back. I wasn't going to let her push me around. Even if it was the world's most dangerous unarmed woman.

"Excuse me?" she fake-laughed. "You just ran right into me, sending me flying to the ground!"

"Aw, Ronda, I thought you were tougher than that..." I mockingly cooed, shaking my head in disappointment.

She gave me the middle finger, not surprisingly, then dusted herself off. She brushed against my shoulder as she plugged her earbuds back in; then started her jog again.


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