Book: 27 Minutes

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For your information, this is the first-ever Larry book I've ever read, well, at least read in full. The other ones scarred me for life, since I believed back then that I still wasn't ready for that kind of extreme shit.

Back to 27 minutes, I'd say that I did a good job in choosing this book as my basis of enlightenment on this whole 'Larry' thing. You'd say I did a nice job, too, 'cause you would know I'm still on aboard.

It's depressing on some parts. It can make you cry. Both my friend and I shed tears on this one at three in the morning, so I wouldn't recommend this if you cry like a bitch. Your parents might confiscate your phone or something worse.

It has smut in it, it has about thirty parts, and the smut is on a page near the end.

I know some of us, 'Larries', browse Wattpad for a good Larry-action in text, and some of us may even come from reading them(*cough*), but if you aren't into any emotional shit, I suggest you don't include this in your library, only to delete it back out.

This book is full of feelings, there are times that things are a tad unrealistic, but an average reader can cope with them. Some might not notice, even.

What to watch out for:
~Suicide attempt(s)
~Eleanor (for Eleanor haters)
~Tear-stained pillows
~Smut(if you're still completely virgin, down south and up north)

REAL TALK: (***Warning: spoilers)
What I didn't really like is the letter-hiding fiasco done by our very own, Eleanor Jackass Calder. I don't actually hate her in real life, but I was quite pissed at her in this book. I've read tons of other Larry stories whereas Eleanor is actually a good guy, and I wanted to see more of those, for now I just cringe and laugh amusedly when a 'bad' Eleanor comes in the picture.

My Rating:

I'd give it a solid 1 (0 being 'great' and 3 being 'eh, could be better')

All the luck x ~L

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