"Study together, and now your going to ask me to be your tutor. Right?"

"Actually I was only going to ask about the studying together Sunday, but you tutoring me sounds even better. Thanks for the idea Carter!" He winked.

I groaned. He stuck out his bottom lip, and widened his eyes even more.

"URGH! Ok fine. I'll tutor you!"

"Yay! Thanks so much Carter. Your the bomb. Love you. Oh and I have to run." He said, and started jogging away.

"DON'T FORGET TO NOT TELL THE BOYS!" He shouted to me.

I sighed. Why the hell would you scream something like that out in the middle of somewhere were there's students filing in everywhere?

Sam was just going to be Sam. And I was just going to be the one having to tutor him.

I walked towards my car in the parking lot, and got in. It was Friday today, what a relief, and I did want to go home. I should really stay and study at the library but...no.

Flinging my bag in the back seat, I started the car. It made a rumbling noise, and I made a mental note to get it checked out soon. Well when I had enough money that is.

I drove down the usual road to get home. Five minuets before I was home, I got a message from mom telling me I needed to go down to the nearest Walmart, and get some eggs. I had no idea why she needed or wanted eggs. But I sighed, and turned the car around anyway.

I didn't even know where the nearest Walmart was.

Carter: Do you have any clue where the nearest Walmart is? I know its a weird question. I just need some eggs, ok?

I continued to drive waiting for Blakes reply. When my mobile buzzed next to me, I unlocked it.

Blake: Only you would ask me where Walmart is. What are you buying them for anyway?

I growled. Wow. Didn't expect that...

Carter: I just want to know where the nearest one is. Just tell me for christ sake! And they're for my mom you dim wit

Blake: Ok. Ok. Its only a ten minuite drive from the school. Stay on the same road. And it should come up to your left. And about the Kylen date thing. Didn't I tell you, to be carful?

Carter: Thanks a bunch. And yes you did, but I don't need looking after. I'm fine Blake. I'm not a baby.

I followed down the road, that Blake told me to go down. I waited for his reply, but it never came. I pulled into the parking lot. I got out my car, and gabbed my purse. Jogging up to the supermarket, I almost tripped on a pebble, that manageed to get under my feet. I mean, seriously. A pebble...

It was very chilly out, and I pulled my coat around me. As I walked inside, there was that gush of hot air, from the heaters above, and I sighed in relief. {AN. I used to always do that when Iwas little. And I used to keep running in and out of the shop.}

I was scanning the brightly lit shop for eggs, for about ten minuiets before I finally found them. I picked a box of Free Range Eggs up, and started making my way towards the check out area. Although, on my way there I noticed the chocolate ile. I stared. They stared right back, screaming at me.


I made my way over there. It was my money I could do what I want. Picking up bags and bags of the yummy goodness, I threw it all in the basket. I saw people giving me weird glances, and I knew I probably looked like a right pig. But who cares. Not me.

Nefarious BoyWhere stories live. Discover now