Spin back hoods

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The rejected parts of the chicken and fish were thrown overboard the spine, bones, guts, feet, goblet, and eyes, when the waste hit the water it made a splash that could be heard across the ship to the starboard side. The sky's were polluted with swart light. The men in amaryod amongst the ships tier  making the "sea bass" taint-less and the crew awaiting slumber.
"Oy men gather ye bric-a-brac and load the berths" macey yelled across the deck to her crew working hard to make the "sea bass" exemplary to her likings. As the captain grazed over the far deck to the extent of the bowsprit. As far as she gazed not a bucket, bristle mop, or cannon ball was out of place. The ship sparkled in the bright sun rays making the ground look golden and fresh. The mizzenmasts rope was striped by cord and rebounded stronger to hold against the next possible storm. The waters surrounding the "sea bass" were glistening a bright white casting a shadow on the ships cal base. Gun port covered with wooden slabs to block all possible entry of grim and soot. The crew layed motionless on the cot they were provided with. Black and blue sheeps wool cow skin blankets and sheets covered the beds and the men that layed upon them. Macey set the ship a' rose for the British cost and fumbled to the captains port where she tossed her hay upon the night stand and set her boots along the rim of the bed. Macey blew out the candle on her stand and layed down for a long nights rest.


The next day John came to awaken Mackey with a warning. "Cap'in we av a ship off da port side ready'in their cannons".

"Oy wake the men set the sails we are off to battle".

rise of the fallen soldiersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن