Battle cry

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"The winds have changed miss's" Jonny yelled across the bow, heavy rain pored over his iron shoulder pads, and his long frisky greasy brown hair.
"Break the winds," screamed the captain, back at Jonny, "set sail off the northern bow." "Head for land, any land, as long as I can walk on it" yelped the captain, her golden hair blowing wildly in the wind, eyes wide with determination. The sky shined golden, gleming rich, warm, sunrays of the mōrn. The rain was sudle but swift nearly wipeing  out there ship in one vigerous blow to the port side, completely rindering there mizzen and and foremast useless against the storm, the only parts worthy of concoring the storm was there main mast and the captains healm. There were nothing for miles but robust waters, jet-black clouds and a powerful downpour over the wide open sea. The captains ship the "sea bass" stands tall through the storm, and managed not to sink, the water rushed upon the quarter deck to the forecastle deck and off the bowsprit.  The crew in the hold, two men on each scull fighting against the storm.

"Cap'n the ship be not holding so well," yelped Johnny with fear and unsertainness, "she be going down any second madam."

"She be fine joy," the captain said cuping her hands around her mouth, "she be living fine joy." "Don't debunk my orders sea dog".

"What ever ya say madam" Johnny said wipeing the water from his brows. Lighting strike near the port bow of the ship striking one of the men off the nest on the mainmast filling the nest full of lighting struck sea waters. The men have fought the dastardly storm for what felt like ages till the storm dimmed and they touched lands rift.
"Man the saven port arrow fire" the captain said with a glair in her eyes, "we will take them not by surprise, as i turn, you fire the arrows got it."
Johnny said with proudness, and determination, "I-i cap'n" johnny jumped on the base of the main sail and  spun 180 and started raising the flag. the "sea bass" was approaching a enemy port they new the only way out was to fight their way through the men and escape out the direct port. The wind picked up a bit and blew fearsome nearly wipeing there main sail out but the captain was determined to get through and not loose any men this time. The "sea bass" had golden rims top bottom and two in the middle the ship was a golden brown burch wood built ship that stands over 90 feet high with silk sails a dark blood red, each stands there own length, the foremast standing 19 feet, the mainmast standing 23 feet and the mizzenmast standing at a height of 20 feet. The "sea bass" a beauty some former pirates offer to buy the ship on the dime, but the captain denied all requests, how a pirates ship becomes that clean, has never been recorded, there has never been account of any ships being that clean, it's simple a women's touch. But now the "sea bass" was going to be destroyed by The red coats.
     As the ship pulled around the enemy port, the flag was risen,  the flag was waving fear-sly with the roaring wind. The captain marked with pride, had stood on the bowsprit and sung,
"take em out, take em down, we deserve to win."
The men sang and danced :
"Take em out,
take em down,
we deserve to win,
shoot the harpoon,
all yè land hight lovers be ware,
we will take u out by the dozen
by the dozen beware
a harpoon off the mizzen,
our captain shout,
hurrah, hurrah." While they shoot into oblivion hoping to hit a few men by the harpoons and cannon balls. The captain taking the largest cannon ball 20 pounds pure iron ball, and hits a man in the stomach nocking him unconscious. The captain stirs the ship left and exits the out port.
"Men we live another day" the captain shouted with glory and raised her sword with pride. The men followed along throwing their hats in the air shouting happier then they have ever been.
"Crew, tonight we feast" the captain sprang up in the air, a breeze of defeat swept the ship gently brushing over the crews shoulders blowing and throwing there long silky hair around.

The core of the ship where the chef stayed it was a little less then small but it fit the crew, the rimming was plastered with gold and the walls; birchwood. A portion of the dinning core was filled with barrels,chains, and tools, the front half had a sectioned room with a hand grill and a fire spit and a couple fire pits too. All fire burning, glowing a bright tent of yellow that spread through the room making it the brightest room on the ship. The chef, Arthy, was a tall buff man with wide broad shoulders, and light peach hair, as long as johnny's. The chef always carried his hand held cleaver wherever he went, Arthy would use it as a weapon, so sometimes there would be a finger, tongue, or some brain in the food, but other then that the food was professional made as far as pirates food goes. A dinner was prepared, a biscuit and a slice of fish, and some chicken, fish and spice broth gravy to cover it all.
"Oyh captain Macey, I think it's time to pose a toast to our infinite victory" arthy said with consistency and a heavy flow of voice.
"Men, a toast", captain macey said putting her foot on the table making a big thump, "we have beaten the red coats, and we shall beat em agin the next time around."
"Cheers", Arthy said screaming at the top of his strong, drunk, burned voice, with a hint of screeching coming from his ruff, throat. "now," he said with pride, "now........we feast."
The marvelous feast entered the dinning room in an array of colors and platers, the apitisers were served first clam covered in fish oil and boiled to the point of perfection it was chewy on the outside and stringy on the inside like chicken you can easily pull apart. The second dish was the main corse the brownish cooked biscuits and the fish sliced into giant pieces served amongst the whole crew the chicken bits minced and thrown on top of the fish and biscuits the fish oil and spice broth boiled and cooled to a blurry peach gravy like consistence.
"Men tonight we have the best feast in front of us, bèast to the chef" captain Macey said with a beaten tone that makes the crew scream.
"And to our wonderful cap'n macey for making this victory possible" Archy said raising his glass clanking it with captain Maceys glass. The crew drank well and ate fast it was a overall good night.

rise of the fallen soldiersOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara