Chapter 10

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I woke up to the lovely sound of my alarm clock going off. Ughhh, as i mentally groaned to myself, I slowly got my self out of bed and began to pick out what I was going to wear today. Did I mention its the first day of school. Oh the joy of seeing people I don't really want to see. Back to doing more and more homework. No more FREE TIME. I walked to my closet, and scanned through my clothes until  I found the perfect outfit, it was quite warm today, so i decided to wear some white floral print jean shorts, with a white lace tank top and a little skinny brown braided belt with some brown sandals. I went into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes and jumped into the shower and did the usual, washed my body, then brushed my teeth.  After that i got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I wore a brown headband, with loose curls. As for my face, i decided to wear a little bit more makeup than I usually do. I wore a nude shimmery eyeshadow with a winged eyeliner, and put a light coverage of cover up on and put concealer on my blemishes and a light Rose pink for plush, applied some pink lip-gloss and headed downstairs. I had already pre-packed everything for my bag ,the night before. I didn't really have time to eat  a proper breakfast so I just, grabbed a banana and walked out the door and got in my car. 

As I pulled in to the schools parking lot,  I see the usual , everyone laughing and playing around, talking about how their summers went. You could easily spot the new students because they were walking around looking to find where certain places were or there were some who didn't really talk to anyone, just sat there alone. I however needed to go and find my locker. I walked through the doors and started down the hallway, all of a sudden i see a big crown around this one locker. Me having no clue what was going on just continued, until i saw a sworm of girls head that way. That made me slight curious. I quickly grabbed the things I needed for my first class and started heading to my first class. It was the first day and I wanted to be early to my classes so I could have extra time finding them, instead of being late. I had Chemistry first period , so i took a seat in the back and got situated with everything. The first bell had rang, indicating that class had started. Our teacher walked in and did the usual by introducing herself, and blah blah. '' Okay, class. I am your chemistry teacher Mrs.Johnson. We have a new student here, I'm sure  a lot of you know who he is, I want you guys to treat him with respect don't bombard him with anything and treat him as if he was just like you guys'' I'm sitting here like, what the hell is she talking about. All that's been on my mind is can school be over, so that I can go and see Justin and talk to him and sort things out. '' Class please welcome, your new student, Mr. Justin Bieber''

 My mouth fell into a 'o' shape. What the fuck is he doing here. Oh my god.! I spoke to soon. He walked in looking handsome as usual flashing its signature smile, that I adore very much. The class 'awwed' and 'oooh' besides most  of the guys, they mostly gave him dirty looks. Knowing very well the girls would be all over him. There was two open sits left, one next to me and one my Tiffany. Ughh let me tell you about her. She is such a bitch, she is one of the popular girls. She thinks because her dad is rich that she is the shit and can get anything she wants. She goes through boyfriends like you go through underwear. Its ridiculous. She just annoys me. ''Justin feel free to sit anywhere you'd like'' Mrs. Johnson told him, he looked around and spotted the empty sit next to me, I however had my head down, so that he couldnt see me. 'Please dont sit next to me , plesae please please' i whispered to myself quietly.   Fuck hes walking right over to me.


I saw a seat in the back of the class with a girl who looked quite shy from my view she had her head down hiding her face, I thought she was new so I decided to sit there.  Maybe make a new friend. I made my way over to her and sat down and got out my books for the lesson. '' Hey, I'm Justin'' I put out my hand to shake. But she just kept her head down and said nothing. '' Well, okay then'' I sighed and sat back in my chair and listened to the teacher talk about some type of, I don't even know what she was talking about. '' I'm sorry'' she spoke out of random. I was taken back, well because she actually spoke. Her voice sounded very familiar, I shook my head at the thought. ''For what'' i slightly chuckled and turned to look at her hoping she would face me. When she did  i was completely surprised. '' MARIE!!!'' I said in a loud whisper, that wasn't meant for the whole class to hear. Everyone turned their heads to look back at us. Shit! Too loud ''ummmm sorry, continue on, nothing to look at back here.'''  I had so many emotions going through me right now. I'm so excited I get to see her, I can talk to her about everything sooner than I thought I would have. This is great.

Hey guys  I know this chapter is really short but I wanted to upload something, that wasnt quite as boring as my last chapter. Anyway I hope you guys like it. :) What do you think is going to happen on the next chapter? Sorry for the errors haha! :)

Ive Fallen In Love With My Bestfriend ( A Justin Bieber Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora