Chapter 43: Aye Aye Captian

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A week after the funeral was Quidditch tryouts. Now I've never been one to get nervous about things involving a sport but right now I am terrified. What if I'm not as good as my brother? What if no one likes me and they don't listen to me? As much as I tried to push these thoughts away they just kept coming back so I did the only thing I could think of............. Play soccer. I know its a muggle sports but it takes my mind off of things. Juggling the ball on my feet calms me down, running to score helps me release stress, and playing defense and knocking people down in the nicest way possible releases anger. Sometimes Charlie will come out and we will play one on one with each other. I've even been to some of the matches. My favorite team is Real Madrid and my favorite player is Cristiano Ronaldo. The tryouts are in an hour at the Quidditch pitch (duh). This year we need three chasers, a keeper, and a beater. We already have one beater ,me, and a seeker ,Iris because she's the assistant captain.

Time skip

There was a handful of people that came to watch and tryout for the team. There was 5 people who tried out for keeper: Luke Castellan , Jason Grace (jackson's cousin), Reyna Ramírez-Arellona, Fitz Vacker, and Hope Solo. There was 6 chasers: Keefe Sencen, Charlie Wood, Jackson Grace, Malina Wood, Emma Swan, and Carli Loydd. There was 6 beaters: Jake Daniels, Julie Johnston, Fabian Prewett, David Nolan, and Tiberius McLaggan. And a couple for back up seeker: Alex Morgan, Emma Rook, and Harry Styles. I had the chasers split into teams of three and try to score on each person who tried out for keeper. The beaters were also split into teams of two. They had to hit the bludgers at the chasers and the other beaters had to block them. The seekers had to catch the snitch.

"Good job you guys. I'll have the results posted in the board tomorrow." I say once the tryouts were finished.

"We had a good turn out this year." I say to Iris.

"Yeah we did it'll be tough to chose." She agreed.

"You guys did good." Cinder said coming down with Bella and Ben.

"Yeah really talented group of people." Bella added.

"You guys will have a great team this year no matter who you choose." Ben adds.

"Thanks Ben. Hey are you going to try out for your Quidditch team?"I ask.

"Yeah I might try out for a seeker or chaser. Tryouts are tomorrow."

"Good luck." We chorus and Iris and I head to the locker room to get changed.

Then we all head to dinner we all sat j our normal spots: Cinder with Pandora at the Ravenclaw table, Ben at the Hufflepuff table, and then Iris, Bella, Malina and I across from Jackson, Jake and Charlie at the Gryffindor table. After all homework was done and Rainbow and I sorted out the teams did I finally go to sleep.

Time skip to next morning.

I Posted the results before I went down to the great hall.

Gryffindor Quidditch Team

Chasers- Charlie Wood, Jackson Grace, Malina Wood; Emma Swan (back up)
Beaters- Mackenzie Black (captain), Jake Daniels; David Nolan (back up)
Keeper- Reyna  Ramírez-Arellona;
Jason Grace (back up)
Seeker- Iris Lupin (assistant captain); Emma Rook (back up)

As I was walking out I good hear squeals of happiness and sighs of disappointment. It is what it is I think and head to the great hall.

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