Chapter 5

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Kyoya's P.O.V.

"Hey Kyoya, you really think she meant what she said yesterday?" Hikaru asks. "For her sake, she better not have." I say as I stood at the front of school, waiting with my arms crossed for them to get here. "Even if she did, at least you got off easy. All you have to do is wait on her hand and foot all day, Kaoru and I have to dress like girls during The Host Club." Hikaru says, sighing towards Kaoru. "All I have to do? This is Mayumi we are talking about. Having to wait on her hand and foot all day, is ten times worse than dressing like a couple of female cats." I say clenching my jaw. "Matter of opinion I guess, right Kaoru?" Hikaru asks his brother. "That's right Hikaru." Kaoru says. The Suoh limo pulls up right after. Mayumi pops her head out, looking for something, until her eyes find me, and she sits back inside the limo, closing the door. Seconds later, my phone starts ringing. "Who would be calling me at school?" I ask myself before answering the phone. "Kyoya here." I say. "Kyyyoooyyyaaa..." is all I hear from the other side. I click my tongue in annoyance. "Hello Mayumi. May I ask why you are calling me when I am not even 5 feet away from your limo." I say blandly. I hear her chuckle. "Silly Kyoya, have you forgotten already? You are suppose to wait on me hand and foot." she says. "Your point?" I ask, though I had a feeling I knew what she wanted. "My point is, how am I suppose to get to class if I can't even get out of my own vehicle." she says. My bangs shadow my eyes and I lock my jaw. "I see, how might I be of help to you?" I ask. "Open the door for me." she says. "Very well." I say annoyed and hang up on her. "Judging by the look on his face, it doesn't look like she was kidding Hikaru." Kaoru says. "No it doesn't Kaoru. No it doesn't." Hikaru says with a sigh. I strut up to the vehicle door and yank it open. She smirks and holds out her hand. I bite back an annoyed growl and take her hand, helping her out of the car. Tamaki gets out, as if nothing is happening, and skips to Haruhi's side. "Thank you Kyoya, here, have a treat." she says and presses her school bag to my chest. I say nothing, placing my arms around her bag, silently plotting her demise. She skips off to say hello to the other guys. I follow behind her. "Kyoya, what's taking you so long, chop chop!" Mayumi calls over her shoulder. This woman...father just had to choose her, didn't he. As if having him as a father isn't enough misery... I lock my jaw and continue walking to Mayumi. "My apologies." I say through clenched teeth. The day was long and annoying, before long, we were preparing for The Host Club. "Hikaru! Kaoru! Get out of that dressing room this instant!" Mayumi says stomping her foot. "No way!" Hikaru says. "Not happening!" Kaoru says. "Fine, be that way!" Mayumi says before stomping away. Not even two minutes later, Mori pries the door open, walks inside, and comes out with a twin in each hand. Hunny stood next to the opening with Mayumi, they exchange a high-five. "We taught them didn't we Mayu-Chan!" Hunny says giggling as flowers danced around him. "Yes we did Hunny, good job!" Mayumi says. Hikaru and Kaoru are let go. Mayumi and Hunny skip up to Mori. Hunny climbs up onto his shoulders while Mayumi gives Mori a big hug. "Thank you Mori, you're the best!" Mayumi says. "Good job Takashi!" Hunny says and pats Mori's head. Those three...whenever something happens to one of them, the other two team up on the ones at fault. I sigh and adjust my glasses. "Now that everyone is present, lets get to business." I say. Hikaru and Kaoru grumble to themselves as they open the doors to The Host Club ladies. Right off the bat, many of the women squeal in delight at Hikaru and Kaoru's costumes. I sigh again. "This is going to be a long day.." I say to myself. "Welcome my lovelies! Did you miss us?" Tamaki and Mayumi ask doing their usual twirl and Rose technique, meeting in the middle. Tamaki held out a Red rose, while Mayumi held out a White and Red rose. "Yes!!!!" the women squeal. "I bet we missed you ladies more! Come in and welcome to The Host Club!" Tamaki and the rest of us say together.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'M SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATE! during the holidays my job hogs up all the time I have basically! Plz don't hate me! Anyways, hope you like this chapter, I know it wasn't one of the best chapters but it was all I could think of! So, how'd you like the glimpse of MAYUMI'S evilness. I'm trying to come up with a name for it (you know like how Kyoya is called The Shadow King) maybe you guys can think of something! Go ahead and put a suggestion if ya want!

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