The sound echoed in the house. It was a wonder that my parents hadn’t woken up. I had a suspicion that they were awake, but giving me some space to deal with Gabriel myself. My heart pounded as he slowly turned to face me. The guilt in his expression was palpable, and I turned away so I wouldn’t have to look him in the eyes.

I still felt as if I was in a state of disbelief. I had never paused to really think about Gabriel’s sexual history, but he had gotten distraught of the mere thought of me kissing Will so I had just figured….

Well, you figured wrong, my Wolf snapped furiously.

Don’t yell at me! This isn’t my fault!

There must be something wrong with us, if he would pick HER instead! she whimpered.

He didn’t pick her over us! It was in the past; it had to be! I fervently prayed that Gabriel hadn’t slept with the redhead after he met me. I didn’t think I would ever be able to recover from a betrayal like that.

I faintly registered that Gabriel was still staring at me. I could feel an echo of his emotions in my chest, and I tried to push it away.

“Skylar…I….” For once, it appeared he was lost for words.

“Don’t,” I snapped, my anger coming out in a rush.

“It was a long time ago. I didn’t even know you existed.” His voice was soft, filled with emotion, and I still couldn’t look him in the face.

“You could have told me.” I was actually proud of myself for keeping my voice cold, steady, and devoid of emotion. It was all fake of course, inside I wanted to break down, but I was not going to let him see me like that.

“How do I bring that up? How do I go about telling you that I’m a disgusting, selfish pig that slept with another she-wolf before his true Mate?”

I looked down, clenching my jaw. Gabriel’s emotions, coupled with mine, were almost too much to bear. I knew I needed to take time to reason this out, to have this conversation with him, but right now I just couldn’t. There was a chance I would burst into hysterics at any minute.

“You know what? I don’t want to talk about this right now,” I muttered lowly, avoiding his gaze.

“Skylar, just let me explain.”

I refused to look at him.

“Please, Skylar. Just hear me out.”

Gabriel rarely said please, and I knew it must have meant a lot for him to almost beg, but my knees were beginning to tremble and my Wolf was threatening to come out. The hot fever rushing around underneath my skin did not help the situation and only served to aggravate me further. I did not need this now. After everything that happened, hadn’t I been through enough turmoil? The small, selfish part of me wanted Gabriel to suffer – if even for a moment – the way I had when Eva said those words. The vindictive part of me rarely made an appearance but it was emerging now.

“I really don’t want to talk to you right now!” I snapped angrily, finally focusing my glare on him. For once, I wasn’t scared of his reaction. I just didn’t give a damn. I needed to be alone right now; his presence was suffocating.

I hurried towards the front door, giving Gabriel a wide berth. He turned towards me but thankfully didn’t try to stop me. I might have tried to rip his head off if he did. My Wolf was angry beyond belief and I was dangerously close to letting her take over…not a pretty sight.


“Stop!” I spun around to snarl at him, my hand on the doorknob. “Just…stop. I’m going for a run before I Shift. Gabriel, don’t come after me, don’t try to contact me.”

My Dark Knight (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now