Chapter 1 - Last Day of School {Photo of Bailey}

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   Thank the heavens that today is the last day for school until August.  I can't wait until summer.  It's only a day away.  I can already hear the beach calling my name.  The long nights with Ian.  Everything will be perfect.

    "Ms.Adams,"  I look over at Mr. Carlson, snapping out of my daydream.  "Care to tell me what I was just talking about?"  I freeze in my spot.  What had he just been talking about?  I was so busy thinking about my plans for the summer, I wasn't even paying attention.

     "I uh..."  I try to think of something, anything, but I just couldn't. 

     "You know this is the last day of school, but you really should be paying attention." He looks at me from over the ridge of his glasses.  I'm not sure if it's just me or not, but it creeps me out when people do that.   Just take the glasses off and talk to me, don't look over them.  What's the point of even wearing glasses if you're not going to look through them.

     "Yes sir,"  I sink down in my chair a little from embarrassment.  I receive a few stares from around the classroom including Ian, but Ian's wasn't exactly a stare.  He shoots me a cute smile, already knowing what I am thinking about.  I smile back at him before turning my gaze to Mr. Carlson at the front of the classroom.  He talks some more about how he's going to miss us next year, yeah right, and about how Mrs. Dabola is an excellent social studies teacher and we'll enjoy her next year.  I'm not that big of a fan of social studies, but I have to admit it.  Mr. Carlson makes the class so much more enjoyable.

     "So does anybody have anything planned for the summer?"  He folds his hands together scanning everyone in the room for a victim as to who has to explain their plans first.  He turns and faces me, his eyes looking right into mine.  "Ms. Adams, since you seen so keen on daydreaming about summer in this class, why don't you tell us your plans and what's got you so zoned out?"  I hesitate a little at first as I feel everybody turn to look at me.  I was never and still am not very fond of talking in front of a lot of people.

        "Well I was planning on going to the beach a lot..."  I look around at everyone, Ian smiling at me.  "And I'm also planning on spending some time with Ian."  I blush a little as everyone 'Ooo's at us.  I roll my eyes at them and laugh a little.  My answer seemed to satisfy Mr. Carlson who nodded his head anc continued around the room.  I let out a little breath, that I didn't realize I was holding in.  I look at the clock, still five minutes until I get to go to Science.  I look around the room again, seeing who else was a victim of Mr. Carlson's.  Jess and Lily are going to France for a month.  Gabrielle is going to Hawaii until July 14th.  Cayden is going to visit his grandparents in the great state of Nebraska.  Michael and Daniel are going to Montana to visit their family over there.  I wonder what Kaitlyn's panning on doing.  She's not in my Social Studies class, and I haven't seen her today so I have no idea what her plans are.  I hope they involve me.  I see her in 5th period so I'll ask her then.  I look back at the clock, seriously how long can five minutes be.  5 seconds...4..3..2..1.  The bell rings just as I count to one.  I quickly reach over to grab my books and walk out of the room, giving Mr.Carlson a last goodbye before meeting Ian in the hall.  As usual he was leaning against the wall talking to Harry.

     "Styles,"  I walk over to the two of them smiling.

     "Adams,"  Harry smiles as Ian drapes his arm around my shoulder.  We all start walking off to Science.  Harry following closely next to us.  Harry is Ian's best friend, but I've gotten to know him a little bit better over the few months Ian and I have been dating.  He's not as bad as you might think once you get to know him.

       Mr. Brickman was standing outside of his classroom greeting students as usual.  "Good morning Bailey, Harry, Ian."  He smiles at us as we enter the classroom.

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