Chapter 1: how it began

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I was staring into my full length mirror admiring my outfit that I just got. I had bright coral jean shorts, and a white lace tank top, and brown wedges that brought me from my short 5'2 height to a staggering 5'5. I felt like I was tall and gorgeous. My long brownish blonde hair was curled and fell down to a little past the middle of my back and my tan skin glowed in these shorts.

I had been waiting for the past 20 minutes for my best friend, Holly, to come and pick me up. As I turned around to head toward my bed, my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I took it out and read a message.

Holly: Get your ass down here! I have been waiting for like 10 minutes!

I checked my outfit, hair, and makeup one more time before racing down the stairs. I kissed my mom on the cheek and raced out the door. I ran up to her car and hoped in the front seat of her 2-door infinity. Her hair was in loose waves and she had on a one shoulder dress with sandals. The drive out to his house was lengthy, we almost ran out of things to talk about when she pulled up to his house, I always considered it a mansion. She parked and we hopped out and walked up the marble stairs.

The door opened and all I could see was flashing lights and tons of people.

"LET'S GO GET A DRINK!" Yelled Holly as she dragged me to the kitchen.

She grabbed to white solo cups and poured some, what seemed like, beer into them. I sipped and looked at Holly who chugged down a cup and poured another.

"You need to slow down Holly. I don't want you to get sick!" I spoke to her in a laughing voice.

"Oh relax! You're the one that needs to slow down. You're acted like we have to leave soon. Have a few drinks, dance, flirt, have fun!" She said in a happy voice.

I guess she was right, I need to relax. So I took my cup and walked to the living room where all the normal fancy furniture had been moved and it was a huge dance floor. The DJ turned on Can't Hold Us by Macklemore, and I immediately grinned and stepped into the crowd. Girls were grinding on guys getting them turned on. I started to sway my hips to the beat and shook my hair out of the hair sprayed position. I suddenly felt a burning through my back like someone was staring at me. I turned you find Travis with a group of friends, but his eyes were on me. Wherever I moved, his eyes went with. I stopped dancing when the song went off and walked over to the group. He dismissed them to just let us talk.

"You sure looked like you were having fun out there." He said while smiling.

I blushed and responded with, "Well, when your best friend holds a party and plays your favorite songs, it tends to be fun!"

He just laughed and looked down at my cup. He saw I was about empty, so he offered to get more. I gave him my cup and headed toward the bathroom. I walked in and shut the door, I looked in the mirror to find Travis's face looking back at me. I jumped and laid my hand across my chest breathing deeply.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I said in a laughing voice.

"Well I figured I would try an surprise you..." He said in a flirty voice. His eyes began to roam my body as I look dead at him wondering why the hell he was doing this.

Before I could respond his lips attacked mine as he began to make his way down my neck. I was trying to say stop, but I couldn't get it out. It was stuck and I had froze. I tried to push him off but after taking my heels off I dropped back to normal size. He towered over me like a boulder coming down. I began to give into him as he picked my up and sat me on the counter. His hands slid up my shirt trying to unhook my bra. After that his hands traveled down to my zipper.

"Stop Travis. I can't do this. You are my best friend. This is so wrong." I whined while holding is hand away from my shorts. I mean don't get me wrong Travis is super hot with his brown hair that comes down just above the middle of his forehead, his bright blue eyes, and tan skin that defined his muscles perfectly, but he was way to popular for me. He had to be drunk.

Before I could breathe again, he had gotten out of my grip and my shorts were on the ground. All I could hear was the sound of his pants being unbuckled and the sound of the belt hitting the ground. I felt a sudden pain as he entered me. All I wanted to do was scream but his lips were covering my mouth. I have tears gathering in the corners of my eyes. How is this fun and enjoyable? I am crying!

"The pain will go away. Just wait." He whispered to me in a deep voice.

As the pain started to leave, it became comfortable and fun. He started going faster and faster till my moans were almost yells then stopped. He looked at me and grinned, I couldn't help but smile back. He grabbed his shorts and slid them on, he gave me one last kiss that starting getting heated before

I pulled away. I sat there for a minute wondering what happened. I hopped down and slid my shorts on. I was weak and could barely walk. I turned around and held myself on the counter. I looked up to see my face covered with sweat an mascara. I cleaned up and pulled the whole I'm-drunk-that's-why-I'm-acting-weird thing on Holly. Right before we left I glanced over to find Travis checking me out from the study with a big grin on his face.

As the car pulled away on that humid summer night, I looked out the window and realized... I just lost my virginity to my best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2013 ⏰

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